Honeysuckle honeysuckle - planting and care

Honeysuckle caprylic - decorative flowering liana. This kind of honeysuckle is also called fragrant for a strong pleasant aroma, spread by flowers. Especially this smell intensifies in the evening hours. The height of the bush is more than 6 m. In the vertical gardening of sections of country houses and cottages, wide use is made of a lily of hoods, beautifully placed on fences, arbors, verandas, arches. Blossoms of honeysuckle in May - June, abundantly blooming white-yellow or white-pink flowers. Elegantly curved shape flowers resemble an orchid, only have smaller sizes. Fruits in honeysuckle honeysuckle - red small berries, inedible.

Planting and care

Honeysuckle caprylic - a plant unpretentious. Planting and care of honeysuckle honeysuckle does not require special skills. In order for the liana to grow, it needs a wooden or metal support, and, the higher the frame, the higher the plant will rise. It is better to plant a plant in spring in a loose and moist soil. The place should be chosen with sufficient sunlight, since in a shady place bloom will not be abundant. At the selected site, a trench is dug out, if a number of plants are planned to be planted, or individual pits are made. There should be at least 2 - 3 buds on the planting branch, which later will develop into the stems of the creeper. When planting it is desirable to make sand and compost .

In summer, honeysuckle is watered often and abundantly, mulches the soil and feeds the plants with complex fertilizers. In the second year after planting, shoots are cut at 20 - 30 cm, causing this appearance of new branches, due to which the plant will luxuriantly expand. On old bushes, a regular pruning is carried out, so that the honeysuckle of the hummingbird looks neat.

Some gardeners under winter make a complete pruning of liana's lashes, leaving a small stump. If you are interested in making honeysuckle high and branchy, you should not do this. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is quite resistant to frost. But if it is predicted a very severe winter, then you can cover a young plant with a lapchatnik or garden trash. In the spring, sanitary trim of the branches frozen in the winter is carried out.


Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle is produced most often by layers. To do this, the lower branches are slightly digging into the ground and are regularly watered. During the summer grow roots, and the next year in the spring, young bushes can be planted. It is also possible to reproduce the seed with seed and cuttings. When propagating honeysuckle honeysuckle cuttings cut after bloom (early July)

cut the branches with two interstices and place them in the greenhouse, also rooting, as well as the bends. Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is resistant to diseases, but sometimes vines are affected by pests, fungi and viruses. Symptoms of affection with sucking insects are yellowness and litter of leaves. When leaf leaf-eating pests are injured, the leaves twist and become leaky. Against insects are used preparations "Inta-VIR", "Eleksar", "Rogor-S". For prevention can be sprayed with lianas in autumn.

If the leaves and shoots of the plant have spots, it means that honeysuckle is affected by a fungus. To combat fungal diseases in the early spring, a solution of copper sulfate is sprayed at a rate of two tablespoons per 10 liters of water. When powdery mildew occurs , the drug "Topaz" is used.

Worst of all, if the disease of capry is associated with infection with the virus. In this case, the bush is excavated and burned. With good care, the honeysuckle of honeysuckle will please you with its flowering for many years - after all, the bush can survive to 50 years.