Isofra for children

All parents are trying to protect their baby from various kinds of diseases. Often, many of them sooner or later face the problem of choice, take a potent drug (antibiotic) or still you can do without it. After all, everyone knows that antibiotics can cause side effects and it is especially undesirable to use them for small children. Nevertheless, children get sick often enough, and many parents know firsthand about the problem of inflammation in children of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Inflammatory processes are accompanied by edema of the mucous membrane and purulent discharge. If the disease passes with complication or has taken a severe form, you can not do without potent means. These include the antibiotic isofra. He, most often appointed pediatrician for diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

Most antibiotics are not suitable for children, since their dosages are designed for adults and are available in the form of tablets and capsules. The use of such drugs can cause children to have allergies, dysbiosis and other undesirable consequences. For small children, doctors recommend using antibiotics only topical application. Isofra for children is available in the form of a spray and is therefore the safest antibiotic.

At what age can I use isofras for a child?

Isofra drops are not recommended for children under one year, although in severe cases, parents sometimes make an exception and note the effectiveness of this drug.

Method of using isofra

Before using the drug should be possible to clean the baby's nose, then inject the spray into it, while keeping the balloon in an upright position. The drug has a local effect and, being distributed evenly over the nasal membranes, promotes a speedy recovery. Inject isofra follows three times a day, one injection into each nostril. Complete recovery occurs, usually after a weekly application of the drug.

How often can I use isofra?

This drug should not be misused and if no apparent improvement has occurred during the week of isofrene use, stop taking the antibiotic. Since long-term use can cause disturbances in the natural microflora of the nasopharynx.

Side effects of isophrenia

When applying the drug, in some cases, children may develop an allergic reaction to the skin, then stop taking the antibiotic. Also, isofra can cause the emergence of bacterial stamps resistant to this group of antibiotics.