Tonic convulsions

Strong muscle tension, accompanied by spastic contraction, is called a cramp. Depending on the nature of this process, there are 3 types of pathology. Tonic cramps represent prolonged spasms without relaxation. The clonic form is a change in the tone in the form of fast muscle twitching. The third type of seizures is a mixed variant of these types.

Symptoms of tonic convulsions

The described type of spasms is localized and generalized.

In the first case, with tonic convulsions, focal (local) contraction of several or one group of muscles of the following organs and parts of the body is observed:

The main symptoms are a sharp pain syndrome, severe spasm, hardening of the muscles. When the facial muscles are affected, the facial expression changes markedly.

Generalized tonic convulsions simultaneously affect all the muscles of the trunk, extremities, face, neck, and rarely - the airways.

Characteristic features:

Tonic convulsions and epilepsy

This chronic brain damage is often accompanied by the form of generalized muscle contractions under consideration. Epilepsy is characterized by frequent repeated seizures or their series.

It is worth noting that tonic convulsions can occur and against other diseases, for example:

Treatment of tonic convulsions

You can cope with localized spasm yourself, if you carefully stretch the muscle, massage it, stretch it or cool it. If a generalized seizure occurs, the ambulance should be called "an ambulance", and before the arrival of physicians put it on a flat and firm surface on its side.

Complex therapy of tonic convulsions is carried out only after finding out the exact reasons for their appearance. Diagnosis is carried out by a neurologist by physical examination, magnetic resonance, computer and X-ray studies. Some people just need to adjust the diet and physical activity, while others will have to take anticonvulsant or anti-epileptic drugs for life.