Coccidiosis in rabbits - effective methods of treatment and prevention

The invasive disease of coccidiosis in rabbits arises from unicellular parasites that affect the intestines and liver of animals. They enter the body from infected individuals through dirty food, water, feeders. The disease leads to high mortality in young animals, loss of live weight, delay in growth and loss of nutritional properties of meat.

What does the coccidiosis of rabbits look like?

If the domestic rabbit is ill with coccidiosis, it affects the liver or intestines. On the organs appears a set of small whitish (diameter with a millet grain) of nodules that penetrate through the shell of the organ. They contain a creamy mass, similar to cottage cheese, in which are the simplest coccidia. They release toxic products of vital activity and poison the pet's body. Parasites are present in almost every ears and do no harm, but with unfavorable factors they begin to multiply rapidly and the ailment goes into a dangerous stage.

Signs of coccidiosis in rabbits

There are two forms of the disease - chronic and acute. There are criteria by which it is possible to determine the hepatic or intestinal species of the sickness. Coccidiosis in rabbits - basic symptoms:

  1. Intestinal:
  • Hepatic:
  • Symptoms of the disease begin to show up on day 2-3 after infection. When intestinal acute coccidiosis in rabbits, animals die within 10 days. With hepatic damage, the course of the disease is more protracted - the animals die after 50 days. Part of the animals can survive the disease without a lethal outcome and severe consequences - while they become carriers of infection and subsequently lag behind in development. Such individuals should be protected from the remaining population and should be treated with medicines.

    Coccidiosis in rabbits - treatment

    Terrible coccidiosis in rabbits is treated well. With the timely initiation of therapy, the prognosis for animals is favorable. Before treating coccidiosis in rabbits, all flaws in the content and nutrition of the population are eliminated. Then drugs are used - sulfonamides, nitrofurans, antibiotics. The main principle is a constant change of drugs every 1-2 years to prevent the addiction of the causative agent of coccidiosis. Recommended and auxiliary nutrients that increase the effectiveness of therapy.

    Treatment of coccidiosis in rabbits with iodine

    When coccidiosis occurs in rabbits, iodine preparations, which act as a powerful antioxidant, are of considerable benefit to pets. They restrain the process of reproduction of parasites and serve as a support for the thyroid gland responsible for the sound functioning of the whole organism. How to treat rabbits from coccidiosis with iodine:

    Lactic acid from coccidiosis of rabbits

    Ordinary lactic acid is a liquid of yellowish color, it is extracted by the method of fermentation of lactose-containing products by bacteria. In rabbit breeding it is known as an antimicrobial and antiseptic drug, sold in pharmacies. When lactic acid is added to food for the animals, their digestive system is strengthened, the food is absorbed more quickly, the negative effect of roughage is reduced. In animals, bloating decreases, flatulence stops.

    Before dripping rabbits from coccidiosis with lactic acid, it must be diluted in the required proportion. For internal use, the dose is: at 2% solution - 4 ml per individual, at 3% - 3-5 ml. Give the drug should be 5 days. It inhibits the growth of painful microflora, the formation of harmful organic products in the disease decreases.

    Apple vinegar to rabbits from coccidiosis

    On the question of how to solder rabbits from coccidiosis, many breeders advise them to add to their drink natural apple cider vinegar. It increases the digestion of animal products by 20%, animals start to gain weight better. It is added to the drinkers in a concentration of 2 tbsp. l to 5 liters of water. Young people start to drink from the age of 3 weeks to 4 months. Drink helps to avoid bloating and diarrhea.

    Preparations for the treatment of coccidiosis in rabbits

    To treat the disease, special medicines are relevant that will help keep the livestock of pets. With such therapy in the animal nutrition diet, it is necessary to increase the content of vitamins B1 and A. Preparations for coccidiosis for rabbits:

    Prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits

    The disease of coccidiosis in rabbits can be prevented. For the prevention of an illness it is important to adhere to the following rules:

    Vaccinations for rabbits from coccidiosis

    The vaccine against the coccidiosis of rabbits has not yet been invented. Preventive maintenance of a dangerous disease is recommended to be carried out by the method of animal boiling with coccidiostatics. Perfectly proved by itself Baikoks - a preparation of new generation. It has an increased effect, has no side effects even when the dosage is exceeded and is used both to prevent the disease and to treat severely sick individuals.

    The drug is available in two dosages - 2.5 and 5.0. Prevention is planned twice a year (early spring and autumn) - 1 ml of Baikox 2.5 diluted in 1 liter of water, after which the drug is dispensed on drinkers for 4 consecutive days. Then they pause for 4 days. Next, they give their pets another 4 days. The liquid in the tanks varies every 24 hours. Baikox 5.0 is not diluted, added in its pure form to food for animals, depending on the weight of the individual. The dose of the drug should not exceed 7 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

    Prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits with iodine

    Another drug for prevention is iodine, it is used as a solution for coccidiosis in rabbits. To do this, the rabbits, when they are taken from their mother, when they change the ration of animals and just for prevention, drink it in accordance with the scheme: 2-3 ml per 10 liters of water. Drink such a solution of pets twice a year for two weeks. This will help to avoid problems with gastrointestinal problems and reduce the mortality from coccidiosis. Preparations from iodine are given to pets in the morning before meals, each time preparing a new solution, they can not be poured into metal utensils in order to avoid reactions.

    At what age is the rabbit from melting away from coccidiosis?

    Often, coccidiosis in rabbits occurs at a young age, affects children up to 4 months. Mature individuals remain carriers of infection for the most part. Therefore, for pregnant females and toddlers prevention is important, since it is easier to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits than to cure. For this, future mothers and rabbits after a jail from their mother (approximately from the 45th day of life) are soldered with a solution of iodine (the scheme was given above).

    The preparation Baikoks in consistence 2.5 is used for the prevention of coccidiosis twice a year in spring and autumn, as well as 1 week before the mandatory vaccination of rabbits against infectious diseases. Begin to propaivat kids no earlier than 21 days after their birth. At this time, the mass of their body should be at least 400-500 grams. The solution is given to the animals for several days.

    Is coccidiosis transmitted from rabbits to humans?

    It is important that coccidiosis in rabbits is practically not dangerous for humans. Even eating meat from infected animals does not bring harm to people, but liver use should be discarded. Damaged organs are poured with boiling water before disinfection for decontamination (parasites die at high temperature), so that oocytes do not circulate on the territory of the farm permanently. Skins of downtrodden rodents are used for their intended purpose, although they do not receive the first category of quality. Cats, dogs, ducks, chickens have their own forms of oocytes, and coccidiosis in rabbits for them, as for humans, is not dangerous.