Perfect girl with the eyes of men

It is believed that a woman is difficult to understand. And they think so, of course, men. More than one generation of scientists in the field of psychology seeks to unravel what the woman really wants. But in the male mind, they do not dig so interesting. I wonder why this happens? After all, women are more likely to meet the expectations of men, and what he wants - is not known.

We suggest to reflect on the topic "What a man wants, or an ideal girl through the eyes of men." Of course, all men want to see a clever, beautiful, economic woman next to themselves. But the qualities described are highly generalized. And every man under the word "smart", "beautiful", "economic" sees something of his own. And also these characteristics can not be measured quantitatively, that is, the result of a comparison, for example, of two intelligent women will strongly depend on the subjective factor, and also on the role this woman plays in the life of a man. After all, a female mother, a female friend, a female headmistress must have different qualities. But we still try to describe what an ideal girl is, in the opinion of men and boys .

  1. Almost half of the male part of the population of our country comes first with the intellect of a woman. But at the same time, most men categorically do not like it if a girl or a woman demonstrates her intellectual advantage over a strong gender. Hence we draw a simple conclusion: through the eyes of men and guys, the ideal girl should be clever, but at the same time skilfully hide it.
  2. On the second most important place, men placed external data. But, probably, there is no more subjective indicator than female beauty. And we will not surprise anyone if we say that the ideal of feminine beauty for each man or boyfriend is different.
  3. On the third place two women's qualities are taken out at once. This is kindness and loyalty. And if with faithfulness everything is more or less clear, then with kindness there can be additional nuances. Someone thinks that it is enough for a good woman to be sympathetic, sympathetic and tolerant towards people, and some men understand benevolence the inclination to disinterested service to people and to self-sacrifice.
  4. Also the ideal girl eyes of the guys should be feminine. Under this criterion, guys and men understand meekness, feminine weakness, grace, tenderness and many, many different positive qualities.
  5. Undoubtedly, the ideal girl should be sexy and desirable for a man. But again, the taste preferences for men vary greatly. And even taking into account the fact that a man loves his eyes, then all the same, the same women can like one man, and another - no.
  6. It is interesting that few men put forward such a criterion as economic management. Their opinion is this: a girl does not necessarily have to be economic, rather it is a pleasant addition to the rest of the set of female qualities. But when choosing one single companion of life, the economy goes almost to the fore. Therefore, girls should think about if their young man is loyal to your inability to cook, or dislike to clean. Perhaps he just does not see his future life with you.
  7. The ideal girl eyes of guys and men should have honesty and patience. A sense of trust is important to you. But here it is important not to go to the other extreme and not show indifference to what is happening. Therefore, try not to molest a man with questions, and even more, do not require him to give a detailed account of all the cases that he was engaged in during the day. But show interest if he himself wanted to tell you how his day went.
  8. Remember also about jealousy. No, we do not advise you to be jealous of your man to every passing woman. But do not be afraid to express your feelings if you seem suspicious. Moderate jealousy will only benefit your relationship.