Bronchospasm in children

Parents of some babies are well acquainted with such a phenomenon as bronchospasm. At such moments, the child begins to wheeze and choke. There is bronchospasm in children due to a sudden contraction of the muscles of the bronchial wall against the background of narrowing of the bronchi. At risk are children who are ill with bronchitis, hay fever, rhinitis, laryngitis and inflammation of the adenoids.

Mom and dad, faced with a problem for the first time (and most often an attack happens at night), immediately call an ambulance. This, of course, is the best option. But if it comes, for example, about asthma, then the parents have long known how to remove the bronchospasm in the child on their own, without going to the doctors.

Symptoms of approaching bronchospasm

Drawing attention to the symptoms of bronchospasm in children, its offensive can be prevented or quickly damped. Usually, the onset of bronchospasm begins with insomnia, severe anxiety and depression. The child can be frightened, pale, with a blue under the eyes. Breathing is loud and hoarse, and the exhalation is elongated. In addition, the approaching bronchospasm in bronchitis is usually accompanied by an unguarded cough accompanied by a transparent thick sputum.

The most dangerous variant is a hidden bronchospasm for allergies, for example. While there is no provoking factor, it does not manifest itself, therefore parents are very frightened by the sharp deterioration of the child's condition, which "is taken from nowhere".

Help with bronchospasm

Competent treatment of bronchospasm in children is a set of measures aimed at complete recovery, so early diagnosis is of great importance. Treatment includes taking medications, physiotherapy. But what if Has the attack already begun? To begin with, you need to calm the child, make bronchodilating inhalation, take an expectorant to improve the outflow of sputum. These measures should solve the problem, but if the first aid is already given in bronchospasm, and an hour later the result is not yet, then it is urgent to call a doctor.

In no case do not give the child medications that suppress cough, antihistamines, odoriferous remedies and soothing. All these drugs only worsen the condition and do not allow to stop the attack.

Unfortunately, bronchospasm has the property to be repeated from time to time, therefore, in the home medicine cabinet there should always be bronchodilators and expectorants.