Glacier Günther Plyushov

One of the main natural attractions of Patagonia , Chile , is the Glacier Gyunter Plushov. He for many years was extremely interested in scientists, and recently enjoys great popularity among tourists who like extreme spectacles and sensations.

History of the glacier

The name of the glacier is associated with a very entertaining story. It was so named in honor of the pilot Günther Plyushov from Germany, who conducted research and studied hard-to-reach mountain areas in the regions of Chile and Argentina. In this he was helped by the pilot's professional skills - Gunther often carried out aerial photography of various natural objects, including glaciers.

Another flight Plushova was marked by a tragic event - his plane produced by the German firm Heinkel crashed and fell into the Lake of Lago Argentino. Currently, a stone obelisk is erected on the shore of the reservoir in memory of this famous explorer, and the glacier received his name.

Glacier Günther Plyushov - description

In southern Patagonia, there is a unique natural object - the Ice Field, which in Argentina is called the Continental Waters. It is an ice mass that occupies a vast territory, in its length it occupies the third place in the whole world. The field is of great value to researchers, as they are given the opportunity to explore unexplored sites and make unknown discoveries to this day.

Recently, one of the most interesting places in the Ice Field - Glacier Gyunter Plushov, have been included in many tourist routes. This is due to the fact that travelers are given a unique opportunity to observe the majestic spectacle, which generously provides for a review of the pristine nature. The glacier is a cold stream of water that rushes to the shore of the ocean. Cobs from time to time crash down and pick up huge pillars of spray.

How to get to the glacier?

Due to the geographic features of the area, it is not possible to reach the glacier independently. To get to the destination, it is recommended to use the services of travel companies.