Monument to the Charrua Indians

In the capital of Uruguay - Montevideo - in the picturesque Prado Park is an unusual monument to the Indians of Charrua (Monument Charrua Indians).

Interesting information about the monument

The last family of this people was chosen as the prototype for the sculpture, the history of which is rather sad. In the XVI century, the aborigines living in the territory of modern Uruguay (the eastern part of the lowland of La Plata), all the time, fiercely resisted the conquerors. In the course of constant battles, the Indians were almost completely routed and driven out of their possessions.

In 1832, a terrible battle took place at Salsipuades, during which General River destroyed the Charrua tribe. Only 4 people remained alive: the priest Senakua Senaki, the leader (cacique) Vaymak Piru, Takuabe - a young rider, who suppresses wild horses, as well as his pregnant bride Guyunus.

They were taken as slaves by Captain de Couelle to Paris for scientific research, as specimens of an exotic breed. In France, the Indians were paraded, and later sold to the circus. Their life was short, and only a newborn girl could escape and get lost in a foreign country. This was the last woman from the indigenous Charrua tribe.

About these terrible events narrates the story of Hugo A. Licandro, which is called "Death from melancholy."

Description of the monument to the Indians of Charrui

The monument was made of bronze and installed on a granite pedestal in 1938. Its authors are Uruguayans by nationality Enrique Lussich, Gervasio Furest Muñoz and Edmundo Prati.

Sculpture is a figure of people from the Indian tribe of charruas. The monument depicts a woman with a child in her arms and the rest of her family. They perpetuate the memory of the national heroes of the country and symbolize the faith and independence of the indigenous people.

How to get to the monument?

From the center of Montevideo to Prado Park, you can reach the Rambla Edison, Av Libertador Brigadier Gral Juan Antonio Lavalleja and Av. Agraciada, the journey time is about 15 minutes. Also here you will walk, the distance is about 7 km.

Once inside the park, walk along the main street along the river.

The monument to the Indians of Charrua is in a beautiful and quiet place, which is worth a visit to the connoisseurs of Uruguayan culture and history.