Okroshka on kvass

Do you want to cook a delicious, hearty dish, but do not bother with the kitchen for a long time and listen to compliments in your address about the great culinary talents? Then just make okroshka on kvass, and you definitely will not go wrong!

Recipe for classic vegetable okroshki



For cooking classic okroshka we take potatoes, eggs and boil in salted water until cooked. Then we clean and cut all the ingredients in small cubes. Remember, the smaller the food is cut, the more delicious you get the okroshka. All mixed well in a saucepan, poured with kvass and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then we pour the prepared okroshka on plates and add sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. We serve only in a cooled form!

The recipe for meat on kvass



How to cook meat on kvass? Boiled meat is cut into thin strips, and fresh cucumbers are peeled and cut into small cubes. Green onions thinly shred and grind with salt until the juice is released. Then boil the hard-boiled eggs, cool them, clean and finely chop. We put sour cream in a saucepan, green onions, eggs, mustard, salt, sugar to taste, mix everything thoroughly and divorce kvass. In the resulting mixture add cucumber, boiled beef and stir again. Spill the okroshka on plates and sprinkle finely chopped dill.

The recipe for fish okroshki on kvass



The recipe for cooking okroshka is quite simple. The flesh of fried fish is separated from the bones, finely chopped, put in a saucepan. Add to it horseradish, finely chopped herring, green onions, grated on a large grater of boiled beets and olive oil. Then, clean and cut into thin strips of fresh cucumbers, put in a saucepan. Fill in a lot of kvass and mix thoroughly. Next, add to okroshka cut into pieces sturgeon, ice and finely chopped greens of dill and parsley. Fish okroshka ready!

Recipe mushroom okroshki on kvass



Pour the salted mushrooms thoroughly under cold water. Then fresh cucumbers and mushrooms cut into small cubes, chop the green onions. Carrots and potatoes are boiled in a uniform, cooled, cleaned and cut into cubes. We ground yolks of boiled eggs with the prepared mustard and a small amount of sour cream. The protein is cut into strips. In fresh bread kvass we put all the prepared ingredients, fill with a mixture of yolks and mustard, add salt and sugar to taste. Before serving, we put sour cream or mayonnaise, sprinkle the soup with herbs.

The recipe for okroshki on kvass with smoked sausages



Potatoes and eggs boil and cool. Radish, cucumbers, sausages and eggs cut into small cubes, and potatoes mash in puree. All mixed, add green onions, dill, salt to taste. We add kvass and mix it well. We serve okroshka in a cooled form.