Vaccination against hepatitis by adults

From the deadly infectious disease of hepatitis, which is transmitted from the carrier to other people through the blood and other fluids released by humans, you can protect yourself by developing antibodies to it in your body. To this end, immunologists developed vaccines from groups A and B.

Everyone knows that, mainly, vaccination is carried out in childhood. In the schedule of vaccinations, almost all dangerous infectious diseases are taken into account, among which there is hepatitis B, so adults do not consider it necessary to do them. This leads to the fact that infection occurs more often.

Next, we'll find out whether you need to get an inoculation against hepatitis by adults, by what scheme, whether there are contraindications and side effects.

Rationale for the need for vaccinations against hepatitis A and B in adults

Almost all people visit hairdressing salons and beauty salons, hospitals and laboratories, use the services of a dentist and other doctors. In these places contact with infected hepatitis B can very easily take place, as a result of which infection occurs. The risk group includes not only visitors, but also employees of these institutions. Therefore, in order to stop the spread of this disease, they began to carry out mass vaccination of the population at the age of 20 to 50 years.

In cases where you are planning to visit countries where hepatitis A is prevalent, a separate vaccination should be carried out, specifically against this group of the virus.

Schedule of inoculations from hepatitis to adults

To obtain a sufficient number of antibodies for the acquisition of good immunity, two vaccination schemes have been developed.

The first scheme consists of 3 vaccinations:

It should be borne in mind that the maximum break between the 1st and 2nd vaccinations can be 3 months, and between the 1st and the 3rd - 18 months.

The second scheme consists of 4 vaccinations:

Antibodies to the hepatitis B virus are produced within half a month after the first vaccination. Acquired immunity lasts at least 5 years, and life can form. In regions where frequent outbreaks of this disease are observed, the course of vaccinations can be done even after 3 years.

Precautionary measures

Contraindications for vaccination against hepatitis:

At pregnancy it is necessary to refrain from vaccination against hepatitis B, since the absence of negative consequences is not fully established.

Before you make an adult vaccine against hepatitis B, you should familiarize yourself with the possible side effects after it. It:

Cases of the appearance of allergic reactions (rashes) were recorded very little, so it is not considered to be a side effect of the vaccination.

Vaccination against hepatitis B for adults is not mandatory (except for cases of departure to other countries), so no one can force you to do it, just recommend it. Take the final decision only you, based on your health, workplace and possible ways of infection with this virus.