Discirculatory encephalopathy of 1 degree

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a brain disease that develops as a result of a violation of blood flow in small and large vessels. Because of this, different parts of the brain lack oxygen and nutrients, the tissues of these areas swell, cease to perform their functions and are destroyed. The course of the disease is divided into three stages, depending on the manifestations and their intensity.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the first degree is a stage of the disease, in which changes in the functions of the brain are expressed to a moderate extent (the brain can still compensate them). This phase of the disease is called the stage of initial manifestations. Most often discirculatory encephalopathy of 1 degree affects people of young age and children, a very rarely considered degree of ailment can be found in adulthood.

Causes of discirculatory encephalopathy of 1 degree

Disturbances of blood circulation through the vessels of the brain can occur as a result of various factors. The most common is discirculatory hypertensive encephalopathy 1 degree, which develops as a result of constant changes in blood pressure in hypertensive disease. Also, the violation of circulation in the vessels may be due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in them. Other causes of the disease may include:

Symptoms of discirculatory encephalopathy of 1 degree

At the first degree of discirculatory encephalopathy, symptoms do not appear immediately. In the future, manifestations of the disease occur primarily due to mental or physical stress, and after rest the general condition improves. The following symptoms may occur:

Diagnosis of discirculatory encephalopathy 1 degree

Upon examination, the neurologist may note minor pseudobulbar manifestations - disorders of mimicry, speech, swallowing. Suspect the disease specialist can also on anisoreflexia - a condition in which the severity of tendon and skin reflexes from the right and left halves of the body is uneven. With a neuropsychological study, moderate cognitive pathological changes in the frontal-subcortical nature (memory impairment, attention, etc.) or neurosis-like disorders that do not reflect social adaptation are found.

To facilitate the diagnosis may have a history of hypertension, atherosclerosis, trauma, the detection of various pathologies with the help of instrumental research methods (ECG, auscultation of the main arteries, etc.). Demonstration results can give magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (MRI). MR signs of discirculatory encephalopathy are visualized foci of "mute" infarcts.

Treatment of discirculatory encephalopathy 1 degree

Timely and correct treatment can slow the progression of discirculatory encephalopathy 1 degree in most of the time. Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology and age of the patient. Possible therapeutic methods are: