Pumpkin seeds from worms

Many believe that worms are a problem that adults can face solely by treating children. Of course, this is not so. Wrist can also start in an adult body. And parasitic infestations in adults are diagnosed quite often. Get rid of worms pumpkin seeds help. This tool is suitable for patients of different age categories. Traditional medicine about useful antiparasitic properties of pumpkin has learned a long time ago. And to this day, pumpkin seeds, as a remedy against worms, remain very popular.

What kind of worms help pumpkin seeds?

The secret of the effectiveness of pumpkin seeds is in their composition. Intestinal parasites are afraid of death of cucurbitin, a substance that is found in a lot of pumpkin seeds. It's amazing that the most useful part of the seed was a film that separates the core and the peel. It was in it that most of all cucurbitin was found. So do not be surprised when you meet the recipe recommendation to use pumpkin seeds from worms directly with the skin.

Cucurbitine paralyzes parasites. Because of the inability to move, harmful microorganisms can neither stay in the body, clinging to the walls of mucous membranes, nor reproduce. Dying, the worms just go out of the stomach, leaving no traces behind.

Thus, pumpkin seeds affect all gastric parasites. Therefore, with the help of this tasty remedy, you can fight with any species of worms:

Recipes of medicinal products with pumpkin seeds from worms

The huge advantage of this anthelmintic is that it is not only useful, but also delicious. During the fight with worms, pumpkin seeds can be consumed in absolutely any form:

Below are some of the most effective recipes with seeds from worms.

One of the most popular recipes is sunflower seeds with honey. One adult will be enough to have three hundred grams of peeled grains:

  1. You need to grind the seeds. It is best to do this in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Dilute the resulting dry mixture with cool purified water to a liquid sour cream.
  3. After that, add a spoonful of honey to taste.
  4. Eat ready-to-use remedy is necessary on an empty stomach. It is desirable to stretch the pleasure for an hour, not less.
  5. In three hours you can put an enema or drink a laxative to completely cleanse the body.

Helps against pumpkin pumpkin seeds with garlic. Phytoncides are another substance that does not recognize parasites:

  1. To prepare this product, you just need to use raw, lightly fried, seeds (two hundred grams will be enough).
  2. Grinded in a blender, they are mixed with detailed garlic. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to take denticles 5-6.
  3. To make the medicine tasty, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to it.
  4. Insist the mixture for half a day, then take a tablespoon on an empty stomach.

The only problem - breakfast after that you can will be at least three hours later. But do not worry, the treatment lasts no more than four days.

In combination with castor oil, pumpkin seeds help from worms very quickly:

  1. For treatment you need a hundred pieces of pumpkin seeds. Divide them into four equal portions.
  2. Eat 25 seeds, chewing them thoroughly.
  3. An hour after that, drink a teaspoon of castor oil.

After the first day, the condition will improve. In the most difficult cases, treatment can last for a couple of days.