Reproduction of snails in the aquarium

Despite the fact that a person is unlikely to be able to distinguish a male snail from a female (and many of them also hermaphrodites), as well as directly affect the reproduction of animals, many are interested in the features of this process in different types of snails. This type of knowledge will be useful if you want to regulate the number of animals in the aquarium and know when to expect replenishment.

Ahatina Snails - Reproduction

Akhatiny - hermaphrodites, which begin to reproduce at the age of six months. After contact with the sexual organs located on the head, the snails diverge, and after a couple of weeks one of them lays eggs. The first to appear are empty eggs that reveal the ancestral ways, after which, on any surface in the aquarium, a snail attaches up to 400 white eggs with offspring. Usually, eggs develop up to 3 weeks and the growth rate depends on the temperature in the medium.

Reproduction of snails in the home is not a difficult matter, because it is not possible to arrange the offspring of several hundred even for nothing, and so many breeders leave 2-3 snails, while the rest are still frozen, rubbed and given to the brethren as complementary foods.

Ampulary snails - reproduction

Unlike ahatin, ampularia are dioecious, but a person can not determine their gender, but because if you plan to start breeding snails in an aquarium, start 4-6 ampoules right away. After mating, the female lays a sack with eggs above the surface of the water. The offspring develops within 2-3 weeks (depending on the conditions) and hatch already fully formed.

Helen snail - reproduction

Predatory Helen is also dioecious, and therefore should be kept in an amount of 4 pieces. After mating, the snail lays off single eggs that develop within 20-30 days on the surface of the water. After hatching, small heleni fall to the bottom, burrow into the ground and grow up to 3 mm.