Shaking hands - reasons

"Oh, how tired I am today, even my hands are shaking." Such a state for different reasons, at least once in a life experienced by every woman, and young, and elderly, and very young. What is behind this common and quite ordinary phenomenon, and what can it tell? Let's reflect on why and in what cases the adult person and the child are shaking hands, and whether it is possible to get rid of this unpleasant condition.

Causes of shaking hands

So, there are a lot of reasons for shaking hands. In some cases, this is simple fatigue, in others - a nervous breakdown, and thirdly - some disease. But whatever the reason for this tremor, it needs to be established. Then it will be much easier to get yourself into a normal state when she again makes an attack on you. Below we will consider the main reasons for which the hands and feet are shaking in adults and children.

  1. Excessive physical activity. This is the most common and common cause. The fact that with prolonged exertion or after training in the fitness room are shaking hands, there is nothing unusual. The muscles are overwrought, and the trembling in this case is their physiological response. You just need to rest a little, sit quietly or lie down, and soon everything will pass.
  2. Emotional splash. Another common reason why an adult person or a child has trembling hands and feet is stress. Fright, anger, quarrel with a friend in school, work at work, an accident on the way home, all this can severely upset your nerves. And trembling in the hands and feet in this case will be a kind of response of the nervous system to an external stimulus. Removing the tremor will help soothing drugs and eliminating the stimulus itself.
  3. Poisoning. Whether it is food, alcohol, or whatever, it does not matter. With any of these poisonings, toxins, getting into the blood, are carried throughout the body and, getting into the brain, affect the nerve cells. First of all, they attack the vestibular apparatus and occipital lobes, which are responsible for the coordination of movement. It is this fact that gives an answer to the question of why hands are shaking after alcohol, especially if it is used frequently and systematically.
  4. A symptom of a serious illness. In some cases, a shiver in the hands may indicate that something is wrong in the body's functioning, and play the role of a symptom of some internal disease. And this is no longer a joke. At what kind of illness are your hands shaking? Most often it can be Parkinson's disease, hyperteriosis or diabetes mellitus. In the first case, the cause of jitter lies in the violation of nerve conduction, and in the latter two - in hormonal failure. Only the doctor can help here.

Exercises to keep your hands from shaking

Many patients, coming to see a psychoneurologist or leading their children to him, ask the following question. "Doctor, are there any exercises to keep your hands from shaking?" You can understand these women, who wants to swallow pills and, moreover, to feed their children. That would pick up a set of simple exercises, strengthen muscles, and deal with the hat. But it's not so simple. Firstly, because there is simply no such special complex, nobody has invented it yet. Secondly, as already noted above, physical stress on the muscles during tremors can only exacerbate the condition. Judge for yourself, if your hands are shaking after training in the gym or are starting to shake because of physical exertion, and we are still doing something to make them, what happens? Correctly, the overload and the result, the reverse of the desired. If you choose not medicamentous, and sports treatment, it is better to pay attention to swimming and hiking out of the city. They will strengthen the muscles in a natural way, and the nerves will calm down, and the figure will be pulled up without any simulators.

Well, if your hands are shaking, and the reasons you do not know, go to the doctor, so as not to miss a serious threat to your health. It is better to be safe beforehand, than to reap the bitter fruits of one's own irresponsibility.