Smear on the flora

Decipher the smear on the flora should be the attending physician, but some information can be obtained independently before admission.

What can tell a smear on the flora?

Let us consider in more detail what the results of analyzes can be and what this means.

Mixed flora in the smear

Occurs in such cases:

To determine the exact cause of the presence of mixed flora in the smear, it is necessary to evaluate the number of leukocytes and conduct additional studies.

Stem flora in the smear

There are two types of sticks:

  1. Morphotype of lactobacilli (Dederlein sticks).
  2. Small sticks.

A lot of sticks of the first type in the flora is a normal indicator of a healthy organism. In this case, single white blood cells are observed in the field of vision or their number does not exceed 10 pieces per square centimeter.

The presence of small sticks indicates a disease such as gardnerellez or vaginal dysbiosis.

Lactobacillary flora in the smear

Lactobacilli is a normal component of a healthy microflora. When analyzing the analysis, it is necessary to pay attention to the concentration of leukocytes and erythrocytes, as well as their ratio with the amount of lactobacilli.

Coccobacillary flora in the smear

This result is usually combined with an increased content of leukocytes and almost complete absence of Dederlein sticks. Vaginal discharge has a thick mucous structure with an unpleasant odor. Coccobacillary flora occurs in 2 cases:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis.
  2. Venereal diseases.

Often these causes are interrelated and require special treatment, sometimes with the use of antibiotics.

Absence of flora in the smear

The result of this type of research is extremely rare and may mean that the body has been treated with antibacterial drugs for a long time in large doses before taking the smear. This leads to the extinction of the normal components of the flora, especially lactobacilli, which will have to be restored under the supervision of a doctor.

Smear for pathogenic intestinal flora

This type of analysis is taken either from the vagina, or from the rectum. Because of the close relationship of the intestine and reproductive organs of women, as well as their proximity, pathogens can spread rapidly from the vagina to the intestinal wall and vice versa.

The rules for putting a smear on the flora:

  1. Avoid sexual intercourse two days before taking the smear.
  2. Do not take a bath.
  3. Do not do douches.
  4. Do not use vaginal pills, candles and tampons.
  5. 3 hours before taking the smear, stop going to the toilet.
  6. To wash out before delivery of the analysis it is necessary exclusively by warm water, without means of hygiene.
  7. Do not take the smear directly during the menstruation, but also at the very beginning and end of the menstrual cycle.

If the swab is taken from the nasopharynx, the rules are as follows:

What determines the smear on the flora: