Darsonval in cosmetology

The device described serves to influence the body by currents of variable frequency with adjustable voltage. Darsonval in cosmetology is used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, hair loss, alopecia, as well as for the prevention of premature aging.

Application of darsonval in cosmetology

The device is equipped with a whole set of special attachments, which allow you to cope with such problems:

You should remember about contraindications to the use of the device. The darsonval procedure is not assigned when:

In addition, it is undesirable to use the device during pregnancy, with intolerance to the effect of electric current, violation of blood coagulability, and also the installed pacemaker.

Treatment of acne rash darsonvalem

Acne, especially purulent and subcutaneous, is the center of multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. The proposed procedure allows you to achieve several goals in the treatment of acne:

Moreover, darsonvalization provides a gradual renewal of the epidermis, produces a peeling effect, smoothing the relief and skin color.

Darsonval in cosmetology for face rejuvenation

Wrinkles are beginning to build up due to the loss of water by the cells, as well as a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Darsonval enhances blood circulation, which means it stimulates regeneration processes. Thanks to this, cell nutrition, oxygenation and vitamins, nutrients are improved. As shown by cosmetology practice, regular use of the device helps to reduce the severity of wrinkles, even under the eyes, to improve skin tone, its elasticity and elasticity.