Cypherus: home care

Tsiperus - a popular houseplant with wedge-shaped leaves, collected in a kind of umbrellas.

Brief information

  1. The plant cyperus is referred to as ornamental houseplants.
  2. Family - sedge.
  3. It grows to 1.5 meters.
  4. The flowering time is from April to May.
  5. The homeland of the cyperus is the tropics, so in the care the plant requires high humidity, constant irrigation and warm air. About dry air or lack of water, the plant can signal yellowed leaves. Another reason why cyperus turns yellow is too tight a pot.

The main types of cyperus

Cyperus diffuses

Indoor flower tsiperus sprawling is considered one of the most miniature species of cyperus, as it grows to only 60 cm. The exterior looks like a small sprawling palm. The width of the leaves at the base is 2.5 cm. It is perfectly placed on the windowsill, unpretentious in the care.

Humidity of air - high

The air temperature should not fall below 12 ° C. The ideal temperature in winter: 18-20 ºС, in the summer - no higher than 25 ºС.

Watering abundant, the ground in the pot should not have time to dry completely.

Lighting: in the summer - light penumbraes, shading from direct rays, in winter - additional lighting.

Cyperus alternate-leaf (Cyperus alternifiius)

The most capricious of all kinds of cyperus. It grows to 1.5 meters, so it is suitable only for maintenance in a large floor pot. The width of the leaves at the base is 0.5 cm.

There is no specific period of flowering. With proper care can bloom all year round. Spicate inflorescences of small yellow tsiperusa flowers are unattractive, without aroma.

Humidity of air: high (in nature it grows near water bodies).

Air temperature: from 12 to 25 ° C.

Watering: more than abundant. Tsiperus sprawling prefers actually a "home swamp". A pot for it should be without drainage holes, and the soil - without clay.

Lighting: loves lighted rooms.

Cyperus papyrus (Cyperus papyrus)

It grows to 2 meters, the leaves are very thin and often located.

Flowering: inflorescence of approximately 100 small flowers collected in inflorescence on thin pedicels.

Humidity: at the middle level.

Air temperature: 16-24ºС.

Watering: abundant throughout the year. The soil in the pot should not have time to dry out.

Lighting: tolerates both low illumination and direct sunlight.

Cypherus helper (Cyperus helferi)

This kind of cyperus is loved by aquarists for the spectacular plant species and the ability to be completely under water.

Grows up to 60 cm. If you keep the plant in an aquarium under water - up to 30 cm.

Humidity and watering: the plant is located in the aquarium in the underwater part.

Water temperature: 22-26 ° С.

Required water hardness: up to 18 ° N.

Acidity: 5,0-7,5 рН.

The minimum dimensions of the aquarium: 100 liters.

The reproduction of the cyperus helper is by dividing the rhizome or by the daughter plants.

Propagation of the cyperus

Reproduction of this plant can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Seed method of reproduction of the cyperus: seeds are planted in a pot with leafy soil mixed with peat and sand. The land is watered regularly. Keep the pots, covered with glass plates, in a warm place with an air temperature of at least 20 ° C until seedling emerges. Then they are dived and after a while transplanted to a permanent place.
  2. The vegetative mode of reproduction of the cyperus : the rosettes of the leaves together with the shoots are cut off and placed in a container of water "upside down". The container is cleaned for 2 weeks in a warm place. After the roots start to germinate, the rosettes can be transplanted into the ground.