Nemeti hands and feet - the cause and treatment

Numbness is a sensation that often appears on the skin of the legs or hands. It is characterized by tingling, burning, chilliness and constriction. If you have numb hands and feet, you need to find out the cause of this phenomenon and begin treatment, since such a symptom, for the most part, is a sign of various illnesses.

Causes of numbness in hands and feet

Numbness of the extremities is a very unpleasant sensation, which often occurs when the nerves are pressed briefly, mainly when a person takes an uncomfortable position. When you change the position, it goes literally for a few minutes. It does not help? Then why do your hands and feet go numb? Severe numbness can talk about various diseases of arterial vessels. Such diseases can cause obliterating atherosclerosis, violation of blood circulation, stroke and other ailments, the result of which can become gangrene. Numbness of the extremities also occurs due to traumatization of various nerves in tunneling neuropathy, osteochondrosis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Often, arms and legs go numb if the body lacks vitamin B12. This vitamin takes part in the metabolic processes of nerve fibers, so its small content can lead to a violation of the sensitivity of the skin.

The hand can be drowsy because of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by prolonged work with a computer mouse. As a rule, in this case, the feeling of numbness first appears in the first, second or third finger of the hand, and then there is a strong pain.

The reason for the fact that a person's hands and feet are very often numb, can also be:

There are cases when only the left arm and leg grow numb. This is a sign of ischemic stroke of the lower and vertebral cerebellar arteries. This disease can be accompanied by superficial rapid breathing and a state of fear or anxiety.

Treatment of numbness in hands and feet

If you find out why your hands and feet are numb, do not rush to see a doctor to find out how to treat this unpleasant sensation. Do you have diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or limb injuries? Eliminate numbness, using a tincture of pickled cucumbers and vodka.



Cut cucumbers into strips and pour vodka. Add the pepper to the mixture and put it in a dark place for 7 days. Ready to infuse it must drain.

Such a remedy must be rubbed into the skin of the limbs that grow numb.

At home, you can clean the vessels and cure numbness, using a mixture of honey, lemon, parsley roots and celery.



Skip all the ingredients through the meat grinder. The resulting mass is mixed with honey.

Take this medication in the morning of 10 g.

Those who often get numb hands and feet, you need to do daily simple gymnastic exercises to improve blood circulation in the limbs. For example, the wrists in the lock, squats, squeezing / unclenching fingers, the legs to the sides.

When should I see a doctor with numbness of arms and legs?

Do your hands and feet get numb, and you do not know what to do? Do not be frightened, a rare feeling of numbness does not lead to serious consequences. To see the doctor and take medication should be only if you have:

It will not be superfluous to undergo a survey and a course of therapy in cases where the hands and feet lose sensitivity for a long period of time.