Bursitis of the elbow joint - symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and the need to treat bursitis of the elbow joint appear when the inflammatory process begins in the tissues surrounding the ulnar process. More clearly, around each joint there are synovial bags filled with liquid. The latter plays the role of a lubricant and does not allow the joints to rub against each other during movement, protecting them from wear and tear. Due to injuries, too much physical activity, infections in the bag, an inflammatory process can develop which eventually spreads to nearby muscles, tendons, nerve fibers.

Symptoms of bursitis of the elbow joint

As a rule, the disease almost immediately manifests itself. The main symptoms are quite bright. Among them:

  1. Puffiness occurs on the site of inflammation. Sometimes swelling is accompanied by soreness. But there are also cases when it appears for no apparent reason and does not cause any discomfort. However, if in this case, leave the swelling without attention, it will increase in size and at the same time still declare itself a strong pain and stiffness of movements.
  2. Think about how you can cure the elbow joint bursitis, and with redness around the elbow.
  3. In some people, inflammation is accompanied by a sudden increase in temperature. Sometimes it comes down to even a fever. Such conditions are usually accompanied by severe pain and general deterioration of well-being.
  4. Bursitis can also give symptoms of intoxication: headache, apathy, malaise, excessive sweating, worsening of appetite.
  5. Sometimes inflammation is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes.

If all the symptoms are ignored and there is no cure for the inflammation of the elbow joint, the bursitis will pass into a purulent form. The course of a complicated ailment is more severe - the patients may have fistulas, subcutaneous phlegmon, ulcers. And to treat it is much more difficult.

Which doctor treats the elbow bursitis?

Sometimes patients do not start treatment for bursitis simply because they do not know which specialist is involved in this problem. Everything is simple really. If symptoms have just appeared, you should immediately make an appointment with a rheumatologist or orthopedist. In the early stages, you can get by with medication.

If the pain in the elbow worries for a long time, there is a high probability that you will be redirected to the surgeon. Unfortunately, in severe cases, treatment involves surgery.

How to treat bursitis of the elbow joint with ointments and other medications?

If the treatment was started on time, the medication may not even be needed. Inflammation will go away on its own soon after the restriction of mobility of the elbow and cold compress followed by treatment with Dimexide.

In all other cases, medical care should be more serious. The most effective symptoms of elbow bursitis are treated with ointments and gels:

In parallel with local drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in tablets:

How to treat bursitis of the elbow joint at home?

As an auxiliary therapy, it is possible to do rubbing with alcoholic tincture of propolis or aloe juice, taking baths with needles, and applying sacs with heated sugar. In addition, compresses made from cabbage leaves and lilacs are quite effective. They simply apply to a sore spot for the night, fixing with a bandage, and the inflammation gradually descends.