Wart on the finger

Often it is the hands that are first exposed to the negative effects of the environment. A wart on the finger will appear with much greater probability than on the back, or face. The thing is that with the help of hands we are constantly in contact with various objects falling into the use of other people. Therefore, the likelihood of catching the virus of the papillomatosis is higher.

Why do warts pop up on your fingers?

The causes of the appearance of warts on the fingers are always associated with the human papillomavirus, the carrier of which is approximately one half of the world's population. But this does not mean that every second of us has warts. Most carriers of this virus do not even know about it, but, in the absence of external manifestations of papillomatosis, they can easily transmit the virus to other people. The incubation period ranges from two weeks to several months and even years. The disease manifests itself only if one of the contributing factors develops:

Each of these causes and all of them together can provoke the appearance of warts on the fingers. On the toes, warts can provoke additional conditions:

How to remove a wart on the finger?

Treatment of warts on the fingers and toes can be done on their own, or entrust this delicate matter to specialists. In the first case, the obvious advantage is low cost. In the second - the confidence that the neoplasm on the finger, and in a simple way - the wart, is not malignant. To do this, all moles and warts removed from the clinics are analyzed for the content of cancer cells.

The most popular folk remedy is cauterization of warts with celandine. Fresh plant should be applied with the edge of the stem to the papilloma and lubricate it with the juice that came out. Doing these simple manipulations daily 2 times, you can withdraw warts in two or three weeks. The juice of onions and garlic also has a similar effect, however, treatment with these plants usually takes a longer period of time. The drawbacks of the method include the fact that warts on the fingers sometimes begin to bleed and fall off not completely, but in parts. This increases the risk of infection of blood, as well as the spread of warts to other areas of the patient's skin, or people with whom he often contacts.

There is a medical product with the effect similar to celandine juice. It is called Solkoderm and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Also, warts can be removed by daily lubricating them with salicylic acid, or by attaching a patch of salipod .

The clinics offer the following methods of solving the problem:

Each of these procedures is absolutely safe, and therefore it is better to give preference to the medical way to combat warts on the fingers. To the disadvantage of these methods can be attributed quite a high cost.