Stenting of vessels

Atherosclerosis is a common dangerous disease associated with the gradual blockage of blood vessels and leading to a violation of blood circulation in the tissues of various organs. To date, the most effective methods of treating this disease are intravascular interventions, among which the most reliable is the stenting of blood vessels.

What is vascular stenting?

Stenting is a minimally invasive surgical intervention aimed at restoring the normal lumen of the affected arteries. The operation is carried out in a specially equipped room under X-ray control, with a constant recording of the patient's cardiogram. Stenting is performed under local anesthesia.

The essence of surgical intervention is as follows. A puncture of the wall of the affected vessel is performed, where a special catheter with a balloon located at the end of the vessel is inserted. At the site where the blood flow is disturbed, this balloon is inflated (by injecting a special substance into it), expanding the vascular walls. To preserve the thus enlarged lumen of the vessel, a special mesh construction is used-the stent. The stent is made of metal and serves as a kind of skeleton, which prevents further narrowing of the vessel. Depending on the length of the narrowed section, several stents can be placed on the same vessel at the same time.

Indications for stenting of blood vessels

Stenting can be performed on vessels of different locations:

  1. Stenting the blood vessels of the heart (coronary arteries) - in this case, the operation is indicated when angina occurs or a high risk of myocardial infarction in the background of ischemic heart disease.
  2. Stenting of the vessels of the lower extremities (legs) - defeat by the atherosclerotic process of the vessels of the legs threatens with dangerous complications, among which - gangrene and sepsis. The operation is indicated for trophic changes, violations of limb functions.
  3. Stenting cerebral vessels (stenosis of carotid arteries located on the neck) is recommended with a significant narrowing (60%) of the arteries clearance, micro stroke and stroke.
  4. Stenting of kidney vessels (renal arteries) - the operation is indicated in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in renal vessels in the case of development of associated renal failure and arterial hypertension.

Contraindications to stenting of blood vessels

The operation of installing stents on vessels can not be performed in the following cases:

Complications after stenting vessels

As with other surgical interventions, after the installation of stents in the vessels, some complications may develop, namely:

Rehabilitation after stenting of the heart vessels

During rehabilitation after stenting of the coronary vessels, which is performed most often, patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Strict bed rest immediately after surgery.
  2. Restriction of physical activity after discharge, exclusion of hot baths or shower.
  3. Refusal to drive.
  4. Compliance with a healthy diet.
  5. Permanent intake of prescribed medications.