Benefits of apples for health

For a long time no one doubts the benefits of apples to human health. Their taste is familiar to everyone from early childhood. Apples, in addition to taste, have unique healing properties. Due to the saturation of iron salts, this fruit is an excellent remedy for iron deficiency anemia and anemia. They were used for medical purposes in ancient times, they are still used today. Apples are useful for the health of both children and adults. But we will talk specifically about the benefits of this fruit for women.

Why are apples useful for women?

Useful properties of apples are provided by their vitamin composition. Vitamins C , A, Group B, which are contained in these fruits, make the body more resistant to diseases. The use of an apple for women is contained in it folic and pantothenic acids, biotin, which improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the nails and hair.

Breastfeeding women used to know well that when the cracks appear on the nipples they will be helped by an apple. Applying a painful mixture of pork fat and gruel from a fresh apple, you can quickly get rid of this problem.

Modern women know perfectly well that apples will help to get rid of extra pounds on the hips and waist, if you replace dinner with apples and use them as useful snacks.

An excellent tool are apples and for the prevention of cancer. With their regular use, the risk of developing pancreatic and colon cancer, malignant tumors of the breast and liver is reduced. Soluble fibers contained in the pulp of apples reduce the level of cholesterol, actively binding fats. Especially women are recommended to use apples in postmenopausal women. Ripe fruits contain boron and flavonoid floridzin, which increase the density of bones and strengthen them. For women over 40 this is very important, since it is at this age that the risk of osteoporosis is significantly increased.

Benefits of waxed apples for health

Wet apples favorably affect the human body, due to the increased content of ascorbic acid in them, which when soaked becomes several times larger. Due to the content of vitamin C in large quantities, the soaked apples make the body more resistant to various infections, have an anti-inflammatory effect. When properly prepared, they stimulate the appetite, accelerate the secretion of gastric juice, increase intestinal peristalsis. The use of waxed apples is also explained by the high content of calcium in them.