Unloading day on curd - the most effective options

To get rid of excess weight and support your own figure in a great form helps not only diets, but also unloading days. The latter is much easier to carry, and therefore often they are chosen by women in the fight against excess kilograms. We offer you to learn how to properly spend a day on cottage cheese.

Unloading day on cottage cheese - options

Nutritionists say that it is not very difficult to transfer the day off on cottage cheese. This sour-milk product is nutritious and tasty. However, you can use only low-fat cottage cheese and in quantities of not more than 600 grams per day. Such cottage cheese-free days are allowed to diversify by adding other equally useful food products . Among the possible options for effective unloading - cottage cheese in combination with:

Unloading day on curd and bananas

One of the effective and very tasty options for weight loss can be called a day of release on curd and fruits. Milk product and banana can satisfy hunger and even cheer up. It is known that this fruit has the properties of an antidepressant. He is able to improve the activity of the heart, brain and relieve puffiness. In these fruits there are vitamins A , B, C, E, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus necessary for health. For such nutritional discharge, 400 g of low-fat fermented milk product and 4 ripe bananas are needed. All products should be divided into four doses.

Unloading day on curd and berries

Berries are able to supplement the useful properties of milk products with dietary fiber and vitamins. For this reason, such a curd fast food day is very rich in its chemical composition. One such discharge requires a glass of berries and half a kilogram of curd mass, water. All ingredients should be crushed and combined with curd. The resulting puree is consumed throughout the fasting day.

Another effective way to unload - a combination of watermelon and cottage cheese. Thanks to this juicy berry, you can very easily get rid of toxins and fill the diet with vitamins. One day requires half a kilogram of cottage cheese and 600 g of pulp of watermelon. Products should be used in turn: cottage cheese in the main meals and between them a couple of slices of watermelon.

Unloading day on cottage cheese and grapefruit

Those who want to lose weight women are often interested in how to spend a fasting day on curd with health benefits. One of the possible options for this weight loss is the combination of a fermented milk product and a grapefruit. You can select the power mode yourself. If desired, you can use every 2 hours a little low-fat cottage cheese and a couple of citrus. As a variant it is allowed to eat three times a day for a hundred grams of a fermented milk product and half a grapefruit, or to drink a glass of juice from it.

Unloading day on cottage cheese and prunes

Dietitians claim that unloading on curd can be useful and tasty, especially when it comes to combining a fermented milk product and prunes. Dried fruit can preserve vitamins B, P, A. In addition, they contain calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium. In the menu of a fasting day should not be more than 600 grams of cottage cheese, a handful of prunes and water. If desired, you can add a broth of dogrose. Dried fruits must be previously roasted and consumed along with cottage cheese, or between meals.

Unloading day on cottage cheese and apples

Popular is considered unloading on curds and apples. This is not surprising, since fruits are able to secrete gastric juice and improve the intestinal motility through plant fibers. In addition, they can provide the body with iron, manganese, vitamins, folic acid. These fruits are usually referred to as hypoallergenic. For one unloading day it will take at least half a kilo of cottage cheese and a kilogram of fruit. With apples you need to peel and cook a tasty curd-apple mass. However, such unloading has its own contraindications:

  1. It is not allowed for such diseases as gastritis and ulcer.
  2. If you have allergies, it is better to choose green varieties of fruit.
  3. Suffering for cardiovascular dystonia should abandon apples sweet varieties.
  4. At increased acidity it is recommended to give preference to sweet fruit.

Unloading day on curds with honey

It is proved that unloading on curd with honey is one of the most effective. The fact is that the sweet product perfectly combines with dairy products. He can supplement the diet with sweetness and health benefits. It has beneficial enzymes for digestion. A significant amount of glucose and no less useful fructose will provide the body with an energy charge for the whole day. In order to spend this day with good health, it is necessary to combine in advance half a kilo of cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons of honey. Cooked should be divided into five parts and consumed throughout the day.

Unloading day on cottage cheese and milk

Many thinning people note the high efficiency and easy tolerability of the combination in the diet of dairy products. One of the best options is a day of cottage cheese and milk. According to this unloading per day you need to consume at least 300 grams of a sour-milk product of low-fat varieties and drink 5 glasses of milk. Nutritionists recommend that the fermented milk product be divided into equal four servings.

Unloading day on cottage cheese and cucumbers

Anyone who wants to feel lightness and become slimmer sooner, practice different ways of losing weight. Unloading day on curd and vegetables is one of the most productive and enjoyable. In addition, such unloading will be ideal for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that Bulgarian pepper can improve the work of the heart and blood vessels, lower cholesterol. Celery is able to regulate blood pressure and at the same time it has anti-inflammatory effect, increases immunity. Often, as the main vegetable, pick cucumbers.

Unloading on cottage cheese and cucumbers provides a menu:

Cottage cheese should be divided into equal parts and consumed throughout the day. In breaks between meals, you should eat cucumbers, which are pre-divided into equal portions. It is important to pay attention to the drinking regime. On this day, it is strictly forbidden to drink sweet non-carbonated drinks. Tea without sugar and pure drinking water will perfectly complement the diet on this day.

Unloading day on buckwheat and cottage cheese

Very nutritious and productive will be a day of unloading on low-fat cottage cheese in combination with buckwheat. It will be ideal for everyone who does not like milk and yogurt. Such a curd fast food day for weight loss is able to make up for a lack of protein. On this day, it is necessary to use only a fermented milk product of low-fat variety. In total 400 g of cottage cheese are required. It is not allowed to add sour cream or sugar. If you want, you can supplement the menu with low-fat yogurt , greens, garlic. The sour milk product is mixed with porridge, or alternatively alternate meals.