How thin Tatiana Ustinova has grown thin?

To all who like to read books, it is always interesting to learn news about your favorite authors. So it happened with this story: everyone is interested to know how Tatiana Ustinova lost weight. The writer herself does not make a secret of the diet, and she told all the details in an interview.

How thin was the writer Tatyana Ustinova?

In the old days, Ustinova weighed about 200 kg, and the doctors vied with her that such a state is extremely harmful to human health. At first the writer did not despair, and then, when the problems with edema began, she decided to tackle herself. She did not stick to short diets, she just adjusted her usual diet , and lost 90 kilograms in 3 years. And now she continues to actively reduce weight.

Tatiana Ustinova's diet

The writer is sure - all ingenious - just, that's Tatiana Ustinova's diet is not distinguished by special wisdom. On the advice of doctors, she took the following steps:

  1. Cut the volume of each portion of food exactly half.
  2. She began to withstand time strictly: the last meal was 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. I replaced harmful products with their useful analogues: fried pork for braised beef, mayonnaise in salads for lightly processed cheese.
  4. Refused salt and seasonings - not completely, but partially.
  5. Selection of the most light dishes with vegetable side dishes.
  6. An important milestone in losing weight Tatiana - a complete rejection of the sweet and flour in all manifestations.

At the heart of the diet Tatiana now - vegetables, lean meat, poultry, seafood, fish and fruits . From these products, it is quite easy to make a varied diet, which is not a short diet, but a complete nutrition system. It is with this approach and there is an opportunity without harm to the body to reduce everything by a large number of kilograms.