Monodiet for 5 days

Monodiet women are resorted to in special cases, when you need to make an impression or as much as possible to change in a short time. Effective mono-diet for 5 days helps to achieve a brilliant result and amaze the people around you.

Variants of an unloading diet for 5 days

There are many options for mono-diet for 5 days. The most important rules for unloading are to adhere strictly to the recommended diet and not to increase the duration of the mono-diet . If these conditions are met, a positive external result will not be accompanied by a deterioration in health. The effect of mono-diet - minus 4-7 kg for 5 days.

Among the figures of show business is very popular five-day mono-diet on eggs and oranges. The diet for a day with this diet consists of 6 boiled eggs and 3 oranges. The products alternate during the day: 2 eggs are eaten in the morning, 2 hours later - an orange, 2 more hours later - 2 eggs, etc. Drink during the egg-orange mono-diet for 5 days you need mineral water and green tea.

Japanese diet geisha helps not only to reduce weight, but also to cleanse the body. Eat during this mono diet will be unsalted boiled rice, best of all - brown or brown. For breakfast, lunch and dinner every day you need to eat a 200-gram portion of rice and drink a cup of green tea with milk.

Less extreme compared to the previous is the "5x5" diet, which, in fact, is an alternation of five mono-diets: