What is better for losing weight - PP or BUCH?

Many people who dream of getting rid of extra pounds, are looking for an optimal nutrition plan that will allow you to lose weight, and not suffer from hunger. Currently, the most popular systems are proper nutrition (PP) and protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUD), each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to determine what is best for losing weight PP or BEACH, let's consider the features of both nutrition plans.

Fundamentals of PP for weight loss

In fact, this system is a diet plan in which a person refuses or significantly reduces the use of various "harmfulness" (sweets, cakes with butter and fat cream, sausages, fast food ), and also tries to observe the daily rate of calorie intake and track the composition food. The basis of proper nutrition is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, ideally a person should make a menu a day so that the diet contains dishes in which 10-15% are fats, 30-40% for complex carbohydrates, 45-60% on proteins.

If you comply with the PP, the amount of food for each day (all meals that will be presented in the daily menu) is divided into 5-6 receptions, it is believed that this way you can avoid the appearance of hunger, accelerate metabolism, prevent overeating.


If this scheme of nutrition is observed, it must be done so that for the first 2 days a person consumes only protein foods and non-starchy vegetables (protein day), then one day only meals with complex carbohydrates (carbohydrate day), for example oatmeal, should be eaten. After that, make another 1 protein day, and a day to eat on a mixed plan, that is, eating both protein and carbohydrate food. Further all repeats, that is 2 days albuminous, 1 carbohydrate, 1 albuminous, 1 mixed.

The duration of compliance with such a diet scheme depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Someone feels great while observing BUCH, someone has weakness and headaches.

What is better - a BS or PP?

The opinion of specialists and those who have tried both food systems are divided. However, most dieticians, answering the question what to choose BEACH or PP, are of the opinion that proper nutrition is more sparing for the body, and protein-carbohydrate alternation can be used only 1-2 weeks, in order to arrange a small "shake" which will help to speed up the metabolism and lose the first few kilograms a little faster.

It should be noted that even fans of the BEACH recognize that this power system can not act as a constant, that is, it can only be used from time to time. In other periods, it is wiser to use proper nutrition, which also helps to lose excess pounds.

Another version of the diet, which in the opinion of nutritionists will be effective, is to start losing weight by observing 5 days of BUCK, then making the transition to proper nutrition, and once every 1-2 weeks to arrange unloading days, for example, kefir or watermelon. According to experts, this approach will help to get rid of extra pounds faster, because at first the person will accelerate metabolism (5 days BUCK), then reduce the intake of calories, fats and simple carbohydrates to normal (proper nutrition), and periodically will further accelerate metabolism and purify organism with the help of fasting days.

Summing up, it can be noted that the combination of several power systems is optimal, as each of them has its own merits. Adhering to only one diet plan, you can either worsen your health, or lose weight very long.