Costume of a squirrel with your own hands

By tradition, none of the children's morning performances, whether it's a holiday of autumn or a New Year's ball, can not do without a squirrel. Of course, we are talking about one of the characters of the production, and not about the real rodent. About how quickly and without the extra trouble to make your own children's carnival costume squirrels and will be discussed in our master class.

Children's carnival costume "Belchonok"

Contrary to the established stereotype, in a role of amusing belchat can act not only girls, but also boys. The boy-belchonka certainly will like a suit made by caring mother's hands. And therefore without additional words start to work.

  1. The main distinctive detail of any squirrel costume, no matter whether for a girl or not, for a boy or an adult - a luxurious fluffy upstroke tail. Therefore, we will begin work on the costume by making a full-size tail pattern.
  2. We transfer the pattern to the piece of artificial fur, not forgetting the allowances for seams.
  3. We spend the details of the tail on the sewing machine. To securely fix the tail on the suit, it is necessary to make a system of fasteners. For these purposes, we sew the button to the tail from the wrong side and let through it a piece of solid fishing line.
  4. Turn out the tail on the front side and to the same end the ends of our fishing line.
  5. On the back of the child, our tail will be held by a design of three strings of elastic band together with a button sewn in the middle.
  6. In the course of work, we are not lazy and try on all the fastening elements on the model several times to find the most convenient option.
  7. In addition to the tail, our costume of the squirrel also consists of a gray overall, to the hood of which we attach the ears from a suitable fabric or fur.

Children's carnival costume "Belochka"

  1. With the squirrel costume for a girl, the situation is even simpler. Let's start with the production of squirrel ears.
  2. In order to make the ears we will need foam rubber hangers, an orange satin ribbon, the remains of an orange organza, scissors, glue and a plastic bezel for the hair.
  3. We wrap the hairband with a thin satin ribbon, fixing its ends with glue.
  4. We get here such a satin hairband.
  5. On paper, draw a pattern of ears.
  6. We cut out the ears from the foam rubber hangers.
  7. Gently wrap the ears in the organza.
  8. Do this in such a way that, on the one hand, the ears are wrapped in one layer of organza, and on the other - in a few.
  9. Cut off excess tissue, carefully sew it and try our ears to the rim for the hair.
  10. Bend the ears twice and gently sew them to the rim.
  11. The top of the ears is decorated with a tassel made of artificial fur or fluff.
  12. From a small piece of suitable fabric, we sew a skirt.
  13. We complement the suit with a breastplate, armlets and a tail, cut out of orange felt.

Costume of squirrel for the little ones

  1. Even the youngest guests of the celebration can be turned into pretty and funny belchats in a matter of minutes.
  2. To do this, we will cut out the cap from the old gray sweater and attach a mischievous ears of felt to it.
  3. Let's decorate the cap with a twig of gray felt.
  4. Tie the tail of a fluffy string of gray-brown color or cut it out of a suitable piece of fabric. Then the tail must be shaped, filling it with an sintepon.
  5. We sew a tail to a waistcoat made of gray felt and our charming little squirrel is ready to go out!