Autumn crafts from vegetables

Autumn is a wonderful time for preparing nature for winter rest. Dacha gardeners harvest and harvest it for future use for the coming winter, and our children go to schools and gardens. And what in September do in children's institutions in the first place? That's right, crafts made of flowers, leaves and vegetables. And if your kids are not old enough to cope with this task on their own, they will definitely ask for your help. It is important not to hit your child in the mud, so offer you some ideas for autumn crafts from vegetables.

Master various objects and figures, draw to this occupation and the child. This will be extremely useful, since such pursuits perfect the fine motor skills of the hands, develop imagination, imaginative thinking, form an artistic taste. In addition, it is important to remember that vegetables are absolutely safe natural material, so do not be afraid that the child will interact with harmful substances and breathe toxic fumes. Another great addition to crafts for autumn from vegetables is profitability. So, in order to conduct a full-fledged interesting developmental activity with a child, you do not need to spend money, because potatoes , carrots, zucchini and cabbage will always be in the house.

Children's crafts from vegetables: dachshund from eggplant

Eggplant - not quite typical material for crafts, because it quickly enough to deteriorate and the product loses its appearance. But, most likely, not faster than the child will lose interest in it. Its significant plus is softness and suppleness, which makes it easier for the child to process it.

So, one large smooth eggplant tail will be a dog's body. From the other cut off the end, about 4 cm long and divide it into 4 equal parts - this will be the tabs of our tax. From above we clean the skin in order to be more convenient to attach them to the trunk.

Now, take on the dog's face. To do this, take the other end of the eggplant, where the tail is located, also 4 cm in length. Dry the protruding part of the spout carefully and cut the stem with scissors - a spout is obtained. The back, "occiput" part of the head can be covered with a piece of aubergine skin, fixed with a toothpick. Try to make it so that the white pulp is not visible at all. Also cut the ears of the dachshund from the skin. To give them the right shape will not be difficult - the eggplants are remarkably cut with scissors. From peas of black pepper it is possible to make eyes - the dog will be, as alive. Finally, the finishing touch is the assembly of the craft. The head and legs of the dachshund are attached to the body with a toothpick. Vegetable stuffed eggplant for dachshund children is ready.

How to make crafts from vegetables and other natural materials?

From cabbage, ash seeds, pumpkins, watermelon, melons, mountain ash berries - red and black-berry, dog-rose can be made a collective sculptural portrait of autumn. As auxiliary materials we will need plasticine, toothpicks, paints, wire, colored paper.


  1. For the basis of crafts we take the whole head of cabbage. First we make eyes - we cut them out of colored paper. As a pupil, you can take berries chokeberry, and fix the entire structure can be toothpicks. From the seeds of ash come out beautiful thick eyelashes.
  2. Rowan berries string on copper wire and get pretty earrings. From seeds of a pumpkin, a water-melon, a melon and a plasticine it is possible to construct interesting ornaments for a hairdress.
  3. As a neat spout, the berry of the dog rose perfectly.
  4. Smile, as well as earrings, we will construct from a mountain ash strung on a wire.
  5. The finishing touch is the beads, which again are made with wire and berries. The beautiful autumn is ready.