Kate Moss threw Nicholas von Bismarck because of his love for alcohol

Most recently, the press reported that 42-year-old model Kate Moss settled the issue of divorce from Jamie Hins and is now going to get married. Her chosen one was a 29-year-old photographer and aristocrat of German origin Nikolai von Bismarck. However, not long this news rejoiced her fans, and today in the press wrote that the star threw her young fiancé.

Kate's friend voiced the reason for the gap

One of the close friends of Moss in an interview with The Sun admitted that lovers for the last few months have been constantly cursing. Here are the words that could be read in the statement:

"Kate and Nicholas have always had a difficult relationship. However, recent quarrels have become more frequent. Kate is fed up with the fact that Nikolai drinks a lot, leads a wild life. She is tired and wants a quiet life. Kate hoped that her divorce and preparation for the wedding would make a miracle, but this did not happen. The photographer is not going to stop drinking, and is quite happy with his life. Kate and Nicholas parted several times and again started everything from the beginning. However, now Moss finally broke with him. "

In addition, the girlfriend's statement features details of how von Bismarck interacted with 14-year-old Lila, daughter of Kate:

"For Moss Leela - the most expensive person in this world. For her welfare she will do everything. And you can imagine what happens when Leela starts complaining about Nicholas. What kind of mother would like that? And the further the relationship between von Bismarck and Moss went, the worse the relationship between the photographer and the daughter of the model. They swore on trifles. Once Nikolay turned off the Internet to anger the girl. Kate watched this and, of course, stood up for her daughter. Recently, von Bismarck generally stated that Leela is annoyed and does not like to often visit her company. Such statements played a bad joke with him, and Moss left Nikolai, who was so annoyed with it, ".
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Von Bismarck did not put on the wedding ring on Kate's finger

A year ago, Kate Moss and Nikolai von Bismarck declared themselves a couple. Almost immediately, von Bismarck moved to live with the famous model, and a year later he proposed to her. The truth of all the fans and journalists was then embarrassed by the fact that Nicholas never put a ring with a sapphire on Kate's finger, motivating her behavior by the fact that she was still married. However, judging from what they wrote today in the press, Moss will not be able to show off in expensive decorations from von Bismarck.