Expiratory breathlessness

Dyspnea is a violation of the depth and frequency of respiratory activity, which is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. One of the varieties of pathology is expiratory dyspnea, which occurs when the bronchioles and the space of small bronchi are sharply and severely narrowed. Because of this, a person experiences difficulty during exhalation.

At what diseases does expiratory dyspnea occur?

This pathological condition is not an independent ailment. It accompanies other diseases associated with disruption of the respiratory system.

Most often, expiratory breathlessness occurs with bronchial asthma, but not on an ongoing basis, but only during acute attacks. This form of dyspnea also occurs in combination with such diseases:

Signs of expiratory dyspnea

Despite the fact that dyspnea has quite specific symptoms, it can not always be noticed from the outside. For expiratory dyspnea is characteristic:

Given that with expiratory dyspnoea, only the exhalation is hampered, the most obvious sign of it is a clearly distinguishable whistle during breathing.

Treatment of expiratory dyspnea

To cope with the considered symptom, it is necessary to immediately use an inhalation preparation that has bronchodilator properties. This will eliminate obstruction, increase the clearance in the small bronchi and normalize the respiratory process. It is advisable to choose a medication that relieves spasms of smooth muscles and relaxing it. The following medicines meet these requirements:

Each of the listed products have side effects, so the selection of the inhaler should be carried out together with the doctor.