Sneezing and runny nose without fever

Do you feel that all the signs of a cold are on your face? Do not rush to make a diagnosis, for example, sneezing and runny nose without fever can be evidence of a rinoinfection, flu, allergy, or just good immunity. Which option to choose depends on the secondary factors that we will now discuss.

Possible causes of coryza and sneezing in the morning

Frequent sneezing and runny nose are often a manifestation of irritation of the nasal mucosa. It can be caused by the following factors:

In the first case, everything is clear - you are sleeping in a poorly ventilated room, or do not clean the nasal passage before going to bed, but work in adverse conditions. In this case, a runny nose and sneezing will disappear as soon as you eliminate the irritating factors. The same goes for allergies - antihistamines and distancing the source of allergy will improve the picture.

Rhinovirus, SARS, colds and flu need a more detailed study of the anamnesis.

Constant rhinitis and sneezing

If you have a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and no temperature, try to determine what the probability of a cold, or infection with ARVI, flu. Sometimes it happens that the body begins to fight the disease before we even noticed it. Therefore, by the time when symptoms such as a runny nose appear, the immunity has already coped with the source of the infection and the temperature has returned to normal. In this case, we can congratulate you - there is no need to take any additional measures to eliminate the disease. It is enough to wash your nose and rinse your throat.

But much more often it happens that we take allergy , rhinovirus, or flu for a cold. All these diseases are accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, irritation of the mucous membrane, but do not cause too much fever. Cope with them in the usual ways will not work, we need special medications. That is why it is best not to delay the visit to the doctor. The reason for seeking qualified help, there will be some symptoms:

Along with a runny nose and sneezing, deterioration in well-being can be so severe that any delay is dangerous. Every year there are many new viruses, immunity to which our body has not yet developed.