Why does the face swell?

Edema of the face - a condition that is caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space and a violation of its excretion from the body. In itself, this condition is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates a violation or the effect of adverse factors. Consider why the face can swell, and in which cases it indicates a pathology.

Why does the face swell in the morning?

Swelling can occur at any time of the day and be both short-term and persistent throughout the day, but most often, this problem occurs after waking up.

Subcutaneous fat on the face, especially in the eye area, is the friest and accumulates fluid well, this is the reason why the face swells from all parts of the body in the morning.

The very appearance of puffiness can be caused by:

Edema caused by the above reasons, usually not strong, short-term, rapidly subside and may not be observed every day.

Why can the face become swollen?

Chronic, prolonged and severe swelling are symptoms of pathological processes in the body. They can be caused by:

  1. Diseases of the heart. In this case, there is a strong swelling, a puffy face, the skin is taut. Edema is most pronounced at the end of the day and is accompanied by shortness of breath .
  2. Violation of the kidneys. This reason is one of the most common explanations for why the face swells after sleeping. On the face, swelling is loose, most often localized in the area under the eyes. In addition to edema on the face, swelling of the extremities and high blood pressure can also occur.
  3. An allergic reaction. In this case, swelling is not permanent, but can be very strong and accompanied by a runny nose, itching, rash.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the tonsils, nasal and oral cavity. As a result of inflammation stagnation occurs lymph fluid in the nodes located under the lower jaw, which is why there is swelling in the face, which can affect only the right or left side of the face, but it can also be bilateral.
  5. Osteochondrosis of the upper spine. In this case, pronounced edema of the cheeks and upper eyelids is observed, which is accompanied by general malaise, hearing and visual impairment.
  6. Long stay in the sun. At the same time the skin is reddened, tightly tense, often painful when touched.