A thrombus in the lungs

Emboli - blood clots. They form in the veins and arteries and pose a serious threat to health. Clots can be found in the lungs, liver, kidneys and even the heart. Timely diagnosis not only helps to return to normal life, but in some cases even saves lives.

Causes of clot formation in the lungs

Regardless of where the embolus is located, the main reasons for its formation remain unchanged. They include:

Promote the formation of clots and some diseases:

Symptoms of a blood clot in the lungs

To recognize them, one must listen very carefully to one's own organism. The first signs of the disease are:

Treatment of thrombus in the lungs

Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to find out, that has led to occurrence of an embolus.

To combat clots, anticoagulants are usually used. These drugs reduce blood clotting, thus preventing the formation of new blood clots.

You can remove the existing embolus with the procedure of embobectomy. It implies surgical intervention. The operation is performed mainly in the most difficult cases, when there is a high probability that the clot in the lungs can come off.

Effective oxygen therapy, during which the patient inhales a mixture of gases.

Consequences of neglect of thrombus in the lungs

The most dangerous consequence is the separation of the embolus from the vessel wall. Large clots can block blood flow. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the work of this or that organ, and sometimes even to a lethal outcome.