Preparations for the improvement of vision

These drugs by popularity may well be compared with antihistamines and antibiotics. Vision drugs are prescribed for adults, children, men and women. They can be used for both treatment and prevention.

What medications should I use to improve my vision?

The range of medications that improve vision is quite wide. To choose the most suitable and effective means is possible only after consultation with the ophthalmologist and several tests.

The best in their category of drugs for improving visual acuity are:

  1. Reticulin - drops that have a protective effect. They prevent overvoltage and make radiation less visible from monitor computers and TV screens.
  2. Trental is an effective vasoconstrictor. This drug for improving vision is indicated with myopia .
  3. Nighexin can be administered instead of Trental.
  4. Kuspavit protects the eyes from the negative effects of toxic substances. Effective in cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy.
  5. Zorro perfectly relaxes the eyes, so most often it is prescribed for overwork, foreign body sensation, rubbing and burning.
  6. Stoel is also a very effective relaxing remedy. To put in the medicine chest these drops ophthalmologists recommend to those who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  7. Cytochrome C is a strong drug for improving vision. It helps to cleanse the eye tissues from various harmful substances.
  8. For treatment of eyes, ascorbic acid can also be used. It will reliably strengthen the walls of the vessels, relieve redness and inflammation.

To remove some of the symptoms with farsightedness, drugs for improving eyesight like Taufon or Vizin will help.

To increase the effectiveness of the use of medications, you should strengthen your eyesight and special exercises in parallel.