Blisters on the fingers

The skin on his hands, of course, is not as tender as on his face. But due to the fact that she constantly has to contact with something, to take on all sorts of loads, the problems with it are often involved. A common misfortune is blisters on the fingers. They can appear in everyone. Look bubbles are very unpleasant, although discomfort in most cases, almost do not deliver.

Why do transparent blisters appear on the fingers?

Hands from all parts of the body are protected least of all - mittens and gloves do not count, they sometimes still have to be removed directly on the street. And if suddenly they appear on any rash, it is advisable immediately to contact a specialist. It is very undesirable to leave rashes unattended. All because in the absence of proper treatment blisters on the hands begin to itch, fingers swell, there is redness, peeling.

Very often pimples, filled with a clear liquid, appear with dermatitis - allergic, contact or chronic. Various factors can lead to it:

There are other reasons for the formation of small blisters on the fingers:

  1. Regularly, dermatologists have to treat rashes that have appeared due to dyshidrosis. The sweating develops against the background of disturbances in the work of the sweat glands.
  2. Sometimes a rash occurs with infectious and parasitic infections. A characteristic feature is painfully intense itching.
  3. Neurodermatitis can also be manifested by blisters between the fingers. This ailment develops with hormonal failures and disorders in the work of the central nervous system. To the rash very often joins peeling.
  4. Some organisms with acne on the hands respond to vitamin deficiency and a lack of vitamin A.

How to treat small blisters on fingers?

Proper and effective treatment is one that addresses the underlying cause of the rash. With allergic dermatitis , for example, helps a diet (if the allergen enters the body with food) and antihistamines:

To remove the itching with blisters on the fingers of the fingers help folk remedies. The best are decoctions based on oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort, string.

Regardless of the causes of the rash, it will not be superfluous to drink a course of vitamins.