Ergoferon - analogues

In the period of epidemics of cold and flu, it is important to take steps to prevent infection and improve immunity. Cope with a runny nose, temperature and other signs of the disease will help Ergoferon and its analogs. Such drugs are quite effective means, quickly eliminating all manifestations of the disease.

How to replace Ergoferon?

This drug has an antiviral and antihistamine property, so that it simultaneously destroys the virus, allergic manifestations of diseases, at the same time, activating the immune defense of the body. It is prescribed for epidemics of influenza and ARVI for children and adults in order to prevent infection. The main drawback of the means is its high cost, which forces the patients to seek replacement.

The cheaper drugs that would completely coincide with the properties of the medication were not developed. However, nevertheless, some analogues of Ergoferon are available, and they are represented by the following list:

It is necessary to understand that the medicine can not be completely replaced, therefore it is possible to use it only after a doctor's examination.

Which is better - Kagocel or Ergoferon?

This medicine also has an antiviral effect, but it is more pronounced, because Kagocel is recommended even in the most severe viral diseases. But the drug is allergenic, because it is forbidden to women (pregnant and lactating), as well as to persons under the age of six.

Ergoferon or Anaferon - which is better?

Anaferon also has the ability to inhibit the activity of viruses and activate immunity. In general, both drugs have a similar effect on the body, but it is achieved by various active substances. The use of Anaferon allows fast to relieve the symptoms of colds, such as coughing, lacrimation, runny nose, and signs of intoxication. Joint reception Anaferona with antipyretics can reduce the need for admission of the latter. Tablets can be given to children from the age of six months.

Which is better - Ergoferon or Viferon?

At the moment, this analogue is the cheapest tool. Its main difference is in its dosage form. It is issued in the form of candles. Viferon is able to cope not only with the common cold, but also with such viral diseases as plasmosis, hepatitis and herpes. Therefore, it is often recommended if a complex effect on the body is necessary.