Maritime in batter - recipe

Marine language or European salt - fish of the family of the Sleley detachment of Flounder, a dietary valuable product, a target of the fishery. Inhabits the warm waters of the tropical and subtropical seas. This fish looks very similar to flounder, it has the same oblate lateral, but more oblong oval body structure (the usual body length rarely exceeds 30 cm). Scale salt is fine, hard, pale brown shades with dark spots, which allows it to successfully mask against the background of the sandy bottom. On the lower side of the body (in the natural state facing the bottom), the color is lighter. As with flounder, both eyes of the salt are located on one side, which is conditioned by the benthonic way of life.

It should be noted that marine language is considered a delicacy product (unlike pangasius, which unscrupulous trade employees sometimes give out for the language of the sea). So it is better to buy this fish entirely, and not in the form of fillets.

The flesh of the sea tongue contains many useful substances: protein, amino acids (lysine, tryptophan and methionine), essential fats, as well as taurine, vitamins A, B, D, E, F, PP, compounds of potassium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, zinc , copper and iron.

Marine language can be cooked in different ways, including, and fry in a pan. There are two options: fry, roll in flour (or breadcrumbs ), or fry in batter. As we remember, the batter is a liquid dough, a mixture of eggs with flour, sometimes with the addition of milk and / or some other ingredients. Any product fried in batter (including fish) will be juicier than simply roasted.

Recipe for fillet of sea tongue in batter



First, we correctly divide the fish. We remove the hard skin with scales, for this we make transverse incisions at the base of the tail, we separate the skin along the edge of the incision and, firmly taking it by the edge, sharply tighten to the head of the fish. The head, caudal fin and hard part of the other fins are cut off, the gills are removed. We make a longitudinal incision along the ridge and remove the fillets. From the remaining parts after cutting fish parts can boil broth.

We cook the fish : 2 eggs are needed for 2 eggs. a spoonful of medium-fat milk or light beer and about 2 tbsp. spoons of flour. All these ingredients are mixed so that there are no lumps, add dry ground spices and lightly beaten with whisk or fork (or a mixer at low speed, the claret should not be too lush). The dough should have a density of liquid sour cream and be viscous.

Fry will be whole pieces, because the marine language - the fish is not large enough.

Now the actual preparation of the tongue in batter. We heat the oil in a frying pan, immerse it, dip the fillet into the batter. Fry on both sides over medium heat until ready, which can be judged by the golden hue. All this happens quickly, as we fry the fillets without bones, for about 8 minutes. You can still hold on the weakest fire for about 5-8 minutes, closing the lid.

Serve with greens, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. It would be nice to serve some light sauce, for example, lemon-garlic sauce. As a side dish, you can serve rice, pasta or potatoes, also it is good to serve fresh vegetables and maybe even fruits with not too spicy and pronounced tastes. Wine is better to choose a table white or pink, or a cold light beer.

You can slightly complicate the recipe: lay out on the dish ready yet hot tongue, fried in batter, and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cheese slightly melted and will be very tasty.