Buckwheat soup with chicken

Buckwheat is an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, and if you take into account its low cost, then this storehouse, moreover, is quite profitable financially. However, the boring cooked buckwheat in the company with the no less boring chicken already had time to fill it up, but the hot and golden soup is what you need, especially on a cold winter evening. Well, let's study together to make changes in our menu and understand how to cook soup with buckwheat.

Buckwheat soup with chicken- recipe

The following recipe is considered a classic of buckwheat soups, so acquaintance with this wonderful dish should begin with this particular variety.



Meat is separated from the bone, cut into small pieces and put on for about 40 minutes. In the meantime, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients: chop the onions, grate the carrots on a large grater, rinse the buckwheat and cut the potatoes into cubes. Potatoes are the first pot in the pan, after boiling the broth, you can lay buckwheat, and after 10 minutes, a line of pre-cooked onions and carrots comes along. Cook our ingredients until ready and season the soup with a bay leaf, pressed garlic and pepper and salt. Soup with chicken and buckwheat should stand under the lid for 15-20 minutes, and after the finished dish can be sprinkled with herbs and served to the table.

Chicken soup with buckwheat and spices

This rich dish is decorated with spices that are part of its composition. A set of many correctly combined herbs will turn ordinary buckwheat soup into an extremely satisfying and fragrant dish.



Chicken carcass is divided into 2 parts along the ridge: one part is laid in water, on broth, along with 1 onion and 1 carrot, and the second is left for any other dish. We wait until the water in the pan boils, and as soon as this happens, leave the broth to languish on a small fire for about an hour. Meanwhile, we cut all the vegetables, we roast buckwheat in the frying pan, and we are preparing a seemingly familiar roast of carrots and onions, but it was not there: roasting, when the onion becomes transparent in it, it should be sprinkled with all the spices, previously ground in mortar or coffee grinder. Then, after an hour, the broth should be filtered, the chicken meat is cut from the bones and cut, and the boiled carrots and onions are discarded. Strain broth is returned to the fire and we lay potatoes and buckwheat with fried, the preparation of buckwheat soup will take 15 minutes, and after that it is necessary to let it brew with several sheets of laurel.

Chicken soup with buckwheat and cream

Thick and delicate creamy soups are always pleasing to their taste, but usually as a supplement to them, they lay rice, and buckwheat is undeservedly underestimated. How to cook buckwheat soup with cream, you can find out from the recipe below.



How to prepare chicken broth, we have figured out in the previous recipe, so in this case we will need 1.5 liters of ready-made broth, into which we will put roast from chopped onions, carrots, mushrooms and celery, as well as washed and baked buckwheat in a frying pan. Cook our soup, sprinkling it with cream and spices, 10-15 minutes, until the buckwheat is ready. Meanwhile, in a frying pan fry seasoned with salt and pepper chicken shanks, until golden and fully prepared. Cook the soup for 15 minutes under the lid, and then pour into plates and serve with a few chicken shanks.