Krasnodar sauce at home for the winter

Krasnodar sauce is an unchanged classic in its segment and has been continuously popular for a long time. The harmonious combination of tomato and spices in this seasoning makes it indispensable for complementing many dishes or serving them.

Especially delicious turns Krasnodar sauce at home from natural ingredients, and how to prepare it for the winter you will learn from our recipes below.

Delicious tomato sauce in the home - a recipe for the winter



To prepare the sauce not only selected tomatoes, but also fruits of the second grade, with crushed sides, mashed and soft, will do. We wash them, cut the damaged places if necessary and cut the flesh into two or four pieces, depending on the size. We place the tomato base in the enameled container, pour in a little water and place the vessel on the fire. After boiling, cook tomatoes for about twenty minutes.

The apples are prepared in the same manner. We remove the washed fruits from the tails and the core, cut into parts and in a separate container with a small amount of water we let in until about the same amount as the tomatoes. Now we rub the tomato and apple base and then grind it through a small sieve. We connect two kinds of mashed potatoes now in one container and blown together for about twenty minutes with periodic stirring. Now add to the sauce ground cinnamon, nutmeg, as well as black and red hot pepper, sprinkle salt and sugar and take it for about ten minutes. After that, add the grated garlic teeth and vinegar, let it simmer with a barely visible boil for another five minutes and pour it over previously prepared dry and sterile glass containers. For self-sterilization, turn the jars of lids down and thoroughly wrap them in something warm.

Krasnodar sauce for the winter from a tomato - recipe without apples



For those who are confused by the presence of apples in the sauce, we present the option of cooking the seasoning without their participation. This Krasnodar sauce is slightly different from the classical and to taste and texture, but it turns out not less tasty and fragrant. To preserve the Krasnodar sauce for winter, rinse the tomatoes, cut them into several parts and put them in an enameled container. Then we send the peeled onions peeled from the husks and chopped randomly, add a little water and put the vessel on the stove. After boiling the contents of the container, cook it for about twenty minutes. After this, we drain excess water, and grind vegetables through a strainer. We return the mashed potatoes in a saucepan, let it boil for another twenty minutes, and then add pepper, cinnamon, sugar and salt stone not iodized and boil the sauce for another ten minutes.

Now pour in the vinegar, we introduce grated or squeezed through the press garlic cloves and melenko chopped greens, cook for five minutes and we can lay it on sterile jars. After self-sterilization under the blanket and slow cooling, we have the stock in the pantry for storage.