How to cook friable buckwheat?

Buckwheat - just a record holder for the content of nutrients . There are different ways of preparing it. From this article you will learn how to cook delicious buckwheat crumbly.

How to cook buckwheat crumbly in a saucepan?



First we groom the croup, and then we thoroughly rinse it. To make the kasha come out fragrant, the groats should be fried. For this, we pour the rump into a frying pan and heat it until we hear a characteristic crackle. Typically, this will take no more than 5 minutes. now we come directly to the cooking process. It is important to choose the right saucepan. It is best for these purposes to use cast iron, kazanok or any other saucepan with thick stenochkami. Pour the prepared cereals into it and pour in water. On a strong fire, bring it to a boil, then add salt to taste and reduce the fire. We leave the mash to languish on low heat until the liquid is completely evaporated. The pan should, of course, be covered with a lid so that the liquid does not evaporate. After about 20 minutes, turn off the fire. We wrap the pan with a blanket or a large towel and let it stand for about half an hour. And only after that the crumbly buckwheat porridge is ready. Add the cream butter to it and pour it over the plates.

How to cook buckwheat crumbly?



We sort out the groats before cooking, removing the debris and black unopened grains. Pour the prepared cereal into a frying pan and fry until it starts to crunch slightly. Typically, this is done in a dry frying pan, but in this case, we recommend doing this in butter. In a saucepan with thick walls we boil the water, add salt to it, pour the rump and bring it to a boil. If the surface will form a foam, then remove it. Now we reduce the fire to the minimum - we need to keep the croup from boiling, but quietly languishing for about 20 minutes, and do not open the lid. After this time, remove the pan from the plate, wrap it in a blanket and leave it for half an hour. After that, you can already add a little oil to the mash and serve it to the table.

How to cook friable buckwheat in a multivark?



To prepare a delicious crumbly buckwheat in a multivark, we need croup of a pleasant light brown color. If the croup is too dark, then it is overcooked, and the finished porridge as a result will be bitter. If you use the so-called "green" buckwheat, then the crumbly porridge from it does not work out at all - as this groats are strongly boiled.

So, put a small piece of oil in the cup of the multivark, melt it in the "Bake" mode about 5 minutes. Then sprinkle a clean, dry, suitable light brown buckwheat, stir and in the same mode we prepare another quarter of an hour. Now we pour the purified water and in the "Buckwheat" mode we prepare for the sound signal, as a rule, it is 35-40 minutes.

If you are interested in the question of how quickly to cook buckwheat crumbly, then in this simple recipe you need to make small additions. So, fried in oil, pour the necessary quantity of boiling water and cook in the "Buckwheat" mode for 25 minutes. In this case, we do not need to wait for the end of the program, so you should not wait for the sound signal, but you just need to track yourself over time. Bon Appetit!