What kind of love?

Unfortunately, life is not always like a fairy tale, and we all love it in different ways, so let's try to figure out what kind of love it is.

Among us there are no people of the same kind, which means that everyone sees love in their own way.

  1. Love is a habit. Many people know love, which in many ways is not love. Just people living together and, perhaps, not experiencing deep feelings, get used to each other: sometimes - both, sometimes - one of the partners. They do not share a deep feeling , but, more so, a fear of loss. What are they afraid to lose? Someone - money and comfort; someone - a sense of security and stability, and someone is holding the fear of loneliness or condemnation of relatives and friends. There is only love-affection.
  2. There is another kind of love - this is love-ministry , when, for the sake of happiness, well-being, successful career of one, the second partner is ready to put his destiny on the altar of life. Another form of love is close to him: love is worship.
  3. Love is known -self-sacrifice . This is a high stage of relationships, when for the sake of happiness, and even the life of one's spouse, the other is ready to sacrifice their lives.

What are the feelings of love?

The sensual scale is wide: from the feeling of joy and full happiness to anguish and hatred.

Let's start with the latter. It seems that love and hatred are incompatible, but exactly until we remember that from one feeling to another - only one step.

As for melancholy, it has a ton of shades and is determined by the situation that caused it: "I miss you, come soon", or "He left me, and I do not know how to live on", etc.

It's great when relations between partners are built on respect and cause mutual joy . At the same time, every little thing pleases you and that you are in this world, that is the one for whom you live. However, it is inseparable from worrying about someone who is dear, close and loved.

Love is inconceivable without trust, which is easy to lose, but difficult to restore. Distrust creates a more complex and difficult feeling - jealousy, which burns from within both partners and poisons their lives.

Love is not silent, it has its own "tongues", but each pair speaks their own or even a few.

They say that in order to know all the subtleties of this feeling, it is necessary to understand which five love languages ​​are used by loving couples.

Let's talk in the language of love

What are these languages ​​that love speaks?

For some, these are the words of encouragement that both partners need. For others, this is the undivided attention that one partner requires from another. By the way, women are more likely to talk in such a language. He also understands the following - the language of gifts. Fortunately, there is another: it is a language of help, care, support. Very good language!

And the highest level of language is physical contact, when both partners dissolve into each other, merging into one and speaking one language - passion and love.

You are my Love!

In recent years, when it comes to love, most often talk about how a man should prove his love to his lady, but the strong half would not hurt to understand what kind of love for a man.

Recognize it is not so difficult. In Love the girl tries to put on, cook, buy, what her fiance likes. She does not miss the opportunity to praise the mind, strength, skill, resourcefulness of a partner, turns to him for advice, is considered with his opinion and tastes.

The origin of this high feeling can be recognized by knowing what signs of love are. Among them: the idealization of one's beloved (beloved), the desire to be together all the time, and also to solve the problems that arise together; the readiness to follow the beloved to the ends of the world and the fear of losing it; disbelief in the fact that love can be "not forever."

Love and remember that the most important helper in love is your heart.