Table 10 - Medical Diet

There are several treatment tables designed to improve the condition of a person with a particular disease. The medical diet table 10 is designed for patients with cardiovascular ailments and aims to improve blood circulation and heart and vascular function, normalize metabolism, reduce the burden on the kidneys and liver.

Characteristics of the curative system of nutrition

A diet called table number 10 presupposes a decrease in the caloric content of the diet due to a reduction in consumed fats, mainly animals, and digestible carbohydrates. Significantly reduced the volume of table salt: it is recommended to add it to cooking dishes. In addition, doctors advise to use less fluid, as well as substances that stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous systems, seasonings and spices, which have an irritant effect on the liver and kidneys. Therapeutic diet table number 10 provides for a reduction in the load on the digestive tract, an increase in the diet of foods rich in potassium, magnesium, lipotropic substances.

It is desirable that they have an alkalinizing effect. Difficult to digest food is excluded, and the preferred method of cooking is boiling. To the temperature of special requirements is not presented, but a moderate mechanical shade is welcomed.

Recommended and prohibited foods:

  1. Bread is recommended to use 1st and 2nd grade, better yesterday or dried, as well as dietary. Allowed unhealthy cookies - jubilee, oatmeal, "condensed milk" and biscuits, but all fresh baking and baking is prohibited.
  2. Those who are interested that you can diet table number 10, it is worth responding that vegetarian and cereal soups, as well as dairy. Fatty, rich broths, including legumes and mushrooms, are excluded.
  3. Meat and poultry are low-fat varieties that can be baked or fried after boiling. They include rabbit, veal , beef, turkey. Fatty grades, sausages and smoked products, by-products are excluded, but dietary sausages can sometimes be afforded, for example, boiled doctoral.
  4. Low-fat fish, which include hake, pink salmon, crucian carp, cod, navaga, pollock, etc. Fat, salted and smoked from the diet completely, like canned, caviar.
  5. Milk and dairy products can be anything but salty and fatty.
  6. Eggs soft-boiled - up to 3 pieces per week, yolks restrict, and hard-boiled eggs are excluded.
  7. Cereals are all possible, but rice, mango and pasta are limited. Legumes are excluded.
  8. Vegetables - in boiled, baked, less often raw form, but containing acids and essential oils are prohibited. This is radish, sorrel, garlic, onion, spinach. Do not place on the table pickled and pickled vegetables.
  9. Fruits can eat everything as fresh and bake, cook jelly, mousses, compotes, jelly. Chocolate is excluded.
  10. Sauces and spices like mustard, horseradish, pepper can not be eaten.
  11. Drinks are all except coffee and cocoa.
  12. Butter, meat and culinary fats are replaced with vegetable oil.

Menu diet table number 10

  1. First breakfast : any porridge with dried fruits, preferably dried apricots. Tea with bread and cheese.
  2. Second breakfast : fresh fruit.
  3. Lunch : vegetable soup with bread. Mashed potatoes and steamed meatballs . Salad from fresh vegetables, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack : cottage cheese casserole and jelly.
  5. Dinner : fish - baked or boiled, with vegetables. On the side dish - any cereal, for example, pearl barley.
  6. Before going to bed : a glass of yogurt.

The medical diet table №10 is prescribed not for a week, but at least for 2-3 weeks, and for people with chronic diseases it is recommended to stick to it all life.