Strategic Thinking

Thinking is the inherent property of each of us. However, depending on the environment of development, society, physiological characteristics, training, it all develops quite peculiarly. Thinking itself means the ability to absorb information and create inferences. As far as strategic thinking is concerned, it is not just conclusions that are important, but conclusions that will contribute to actions that have succeeded in bringing us benefit as a result.

This type of thinking is called foresight, foresight, self-interest, prudence, wisdom. But the essence of all synonyms is one - the ability to see and calculate the situation on many steps forward.

So, let's start developing strategic thinking.


To begin with, we must make sure that we manage all the components to form this very calculating.

Vision is the first feature of strategic thinking. This - the ability to see the situation in its future development, the opportunity to answer the question, what will happen tomorrow to what is happening today.

A mission is a clearly defined goal .

Values ​​are the ability to prioritize, sift out of the background and not be scattered into a million cases.

Opportunities are the ability to find even in the most unenviable situations a benefit for oneself.

An exercise

Given that the principle of strategic thinking is to see the situation in detail, consider the exercise for visualization. Imagine a tree in front of all the little things.


Now answer yourself to the question, what is the distance in meters from its lower branch to the ground?

How deep are the roots of the earth?

Who lives in his crown, the root system?

How do his branches sway from the whiff of the wind?

If you have to answer these questions, then you did not accurately represent the tree at first. Now answering them, you really see the situation in volume.

This is an excellent exercise for forming strategic thinking, which must be repeated day by day, using analogies of the tree. You can apply this exercise in business, for a full vision of the situation, in order to catch all the slightest nuances.

In addition, we recommend that you at your leisure remember some difficult life problem that you have already dealt with. Think of three other ways to get out of it. This should be not just decisions, but actions that will bring you more benefits in a seemingly losing position.