Cancer Day

Today, it's no secret that the curved pink ribbon on the man's chest is a symbol of the fight against cancer . Millions of people in the world, putting it on themselves, show their resistance to a terrible disease that has hit a huge part of the population of our planet.

According to the Ministry of Health, oncological diseases take human lives at about 20 people per minute, with about 480 thousand malignant tumors being detected each year. Unfortunately, every year these figures increase, and cancer diseases become one of the main causes of death. In this regard, in 2005, the UICC (International Union Against Cancer) proclaimed World Cancer Day. Since the level of development of cancer diseases is inexorably growing, the population of our planet can soon significantly decrease, and such methods of influence on the attitude of a person to this problem are extremely necessary.

Day against Cancer

Everyone knows that cancer is an unpredictable disease, so you can not predict in which part of the globe it will manifest itself in all its might. Therefore, it is very important that humanity focuses its attention on combating a terrible disease. February 4 is regarded worldwide as the International Day against Cancer, the main goal of which is to interest the population. After all, the fight against smoking and the rejection of addiction; healthy nutrition and normalized physical activity, vaccination against viruses that cause cancer of the cervix and liver; avoidance of long-term stay in solariums and in direct sunlight can prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

The day of fighting cancer is to inform all doctors, nurses, other health professionals and the public about all possible signs of the disease. This helps in some way to detect the disease in advance and substantially increase the chances for productive and successful treatment. After all, it is very important to train specialists in diagnostic methods at the initial stages of cancer development and screening.

Despite the fact that it is not easy to talk about cancer, awareness and openness of this problem make it easier to fight it on the political, public and personal levels. Since the state does not set itself the task of early detection of cancer, it creates a kind of culture of concern for public health. And the day of struggle against the cancer is ethony, otherwise, as a cultural event aimed at informing and preventing the development of cancer in the population.

Such measures lead to agitation for combating tobacco and alcohol abuse. Sports propaganda is being promoted and harmful factors are being reduced, and there is also a program for vaccinating the population against cancer. Ultimately, we get a reduction in mortality from malignant oncological formations.

Anti-oncological symbols

Traditionally, a sign of confrontation in society to fight cancer is the ribbon. But what does such a simple symbol mean? Few people know that the gray ribbon symbolizes the struggle of a person with brain cancer, and green - a kidney. There is a lot of symbolic ribbons, each of which carries a hidden meaning. So, for example, the golden ribbon expresses the fight against cancer in children, yellow - against infection of bone tissue, blue - green - of the ovaries, pink is the most famous in the female society - it is a symbol of the fight against breast cancer .