Vitamins for improving immunity

Immunity , if you believe the encyclopedia - it's just the ability of our body to resist different infections and alien organisms that encroach on our health (microbes, bacteria, viruses). Simply put, this is such armor, protection, force, which helps our bodies to work well, no matter what.

It is extremely important to be able to help these protective resources of the body, and this is quite possible for every person. Nature is wise, and she gave people many ways to maintain their immunity. One of the most effective - vitamins to enhance immunity. It is important not only to saturate your body with suitable vitamins, but also to eat foods rich in enzymes, because without them the body will spend too much effort on digesting food, and he will not have the strength to struggle with harmfulness and dangers. If you eat foods that have a lot of natural enzymes, digestion will be quick and easy, and all the vitamins from the foods will be perfectly absorbed, strengthening, between the cases, the immunity itself.

The best vitamins for improving immunity

Vitamins, which improve the work of the body's defenses, are capable of:

Complexes of vitamins to enhance immunity:

For adults, the following complexes are suitable: Bittner, Immuno, Immunal, Multifit, Supradin, Tri-vi-plus, Vitrum .

To strengthen the immunity of children, drugs are suitable: Multi-tabs, Multi-Tabs Babe, Pikovit, Vita-bears, Vitrum for children .

What vitamins are needed to improve immunity?

  1. Vitamin C is needed in the first place, because it removes the effects of stress, does not share cancer cells, increases the content of interferons, protects healthy cells. A lot of ascorbic in citrus, tomatoes, green vegetables, dog rose.
  2. Vitamins of family B are simply irreplaceable for protective forces of an organism, after all they calm, do not allow us to be nervous, help to cope with various irritating factors (which strongly damage immunity). Vitamins B are found in beans, nuts, peas, soy, whole grain cereal products, porridges.
  3. A real miracle vitamin D3 works great for immunity. Only recently, scientists, having conducted the necessary studies, found that it is D3 that makes macrophages more active (they constantly circulate in our bloodstream). Macrophages are capable, when necessary, of violently attacking potentially dangerous microorganisms and not allowing them to harm us. And vitamin D3 well removes all kinds of inflammation, helps healthy tissues to fuse better. It is also believed that reasonable doses of this vitamin help not to get colon cancer.
  4. Vitamin E is another indispensable friend of immunity, because it actively prevents viruses and dangers from penetrating into humans.
  5. Magnesium is another super-friend of the immune system. Unfortunately, very many people face magnesium deficiency, and in fact it helps the colon to produce detoxification, it has a beneficial effect on immunity, normalizes blood pressure.

There is a wonderful recipe for vitamin tincture, which contains vitamins and microelements that are necessary for immunity. In a floor a liter jar it is necessary to cut finely one lemon , ten cloves of garlic, to fill in all pure water. This tincture helps protect against infections, you need to drink it two tablespoons three times a day.

The body will become stronger if you take a bath for immunity. It is necessary to take the leaves of raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, cranberries, mix, pour boiling water, ten minutes to insist, drop three or four drops of eucalyptus oil, pour into water and lie there for fifteen minutes.