Physalis - useful properties

Physalis vulgaris is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae family, reaching a meter in height. Physalis can be found anywhere in the world, but most of all it can be found in Iraq and Bulgaria.

Chemical composition of physalis

As part of the physalis is fresh purified water and many useful trace elements, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and zinc. This berry is rich in organic acids, which normalize the acid-base balance. It supplies the body with tannic substances, fiber, vitamins A and C. Useful nutrients are not only the berries themselves, but also the roots, stem and even leaves of this plant, but they are not suitable for food.

Varieties of Physalis

There are many varieties of physalis, the most famous of which are: ordinary, vegetable, pineapple, Peruvian, strawberry and ornamental. Of these, the most common plant variety is fizalis vegetable, or in another way - Mexican. If this berry completely ripened, then its taste becomes incredibly enjoyable. Vegetable fizalis insanely fastidious plant, he needs a lot of sun and low humidity. From vegetable physalis make salads, caviar and hot dishes. Like tomatoes, they are salted and marinated, and sauces and condiments are made from them. It is from this variety that the famous jam is prepared, reminiscent of the taste of jam from figs.

Strawberry physalis has a rather high yield, and differs from other varieties with a slightly smaller size of berries, unique flavoring qualities and aroma reminiscent of wild strawberry. From strawberry physalis make jam and jam, stuffing for pies, jujube, cook compotes and kissels. In dried form it resembles raisins.

Less sweet is the physalis of Peruvian, but unlike other varieties it has a pronounced fruit flavor and taste. Its fruits are not subject to long-term storage, and in dried form very much resemble dried apricots, only with a more intense taste.

The plant in the form of a flashlight is a physically decorative one. It grows in calcareous soil and is absolutely unpretentious to external factors. Its calyx after the end of flowering turns into a light orange wrapper, which in dried form is used for decorating rooms and decorating bouquets.

Useful properties of Physalis

Medical properties have almost all varieties of physalis. The use of fruits in its raw form creates an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect. Physalis has a choleretic, blood-restoring and diuretic effect, removes salt and stones from the kidneys, and its regular use is a preventive measure that does not allow the formation of stones in the kidneys. But this is not all, what is useful physalis. In folk medicine it is used for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

Useful properties of the strawberry physalis are very large. It increases immunity, effectively fights against colds, treats a severe cough, normalizes the endocrine system.

Useful properties of vegetable physalis even exceed the benefits of tomatoes. How useful is physalis edible vegetable? This variety contains a large number of pectins, an ideal ratio of organic acids and sugars, tannins, vitamin C. It contains wine, apple, lemon, coffee, ascorbic and succinic acids, as well as minerals, carotene, protein and phytoncides.

Useful properties of pineapple physalis , in addition to all the elements listed above, contains a large amount of lycopene and pectin, which are excellent antioxidants.