Vegetarianism is good and bad

Vegetarianism actively covers the whole globe - pastoralists revolt, and nutritionists shyly lower their eyes from uncomfortable questions. Whether vegetarianism is useful and whether the transition to it is justified - nobody will be able to answer these questions, because even the most wise dieticians are people, with their prejudices and life credo.

Vegetarians have their own arguments - stubbornly prove the usefulness of the chosen path. And this is natural, everyone wants to be smarter than others. There are several "trump cards", it is very difficult to contradict them, if you do not have a preliminary "hardening". Consider the most popular myths about the benefits of vegetarianism, so as not to get carried away wearing rose-colored glasses.

The length of the intestine = a man herbivorous?

The first argument of vegetarians , which aims to make you exclaim "Yes, I'm a vegetarian!" Is the length of the human intestine. In humans, of course, it is long, approximately, like the intestines of sheep. And predators - twice shorter. This indicates that (say the devotees of nutrition without meat) that the herbivore is adapted to long digestion of plant food and is not adapted to the animal protein, because in such a long course, the protein will rot and poison the body.

On the other hand, the predator intestines. Short for the protein to leave it quickly.

But here put their word nutritionists. Though our intestines also hint at our "herbivore", the protein does not stay in it and does not poison us. All because the protein is digested in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid. Then it enters the duodenum and is "processed" by enzymes. Then only faceless amino acids go. If something went wrong, and a piece of un-digested meat went through the intestines - it says either about the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or about a badly chewed piece of meat. In a word, putrefaction in our intestines is only a sign of problems with the digestive tract.

Vegetarianism is more useful

Of course, vegetarian food provides for consumption of much more plant foods, and, accordingly, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, many vegetarians consider themselves healthier.

But on this account, studies were conducted. It turns out that every second vegetarian and 92% of vegans suffer from a deficiency of B12 (pure meat vitamin). In addition, it is indeed more difficult to obtain the necessary portion of protein, fat, iron, zinc, vitamin D. from plant foods. All this leads to diseases and malfunctions in the work of the nervous system, as well as problems with hematopoiesis. In addition, scientists have experimentally proven that meat eaters less likely to suffer from cancer of the rectum, cervix and brain than vegetarians. But the most favorable indicator for the absence of cancer incidents showed the Peketarianians - "fish-eaters".

Lose weight without meat

Well, the main argument is not those who switch to a meat-free diet for ethical reasons, but those who are least concerned about the benefits and harms of vegetarianism, because it is about possible weight loss.

Vegetarians "advertise" their diet with the low body mass index, which is common to almost all vegetarians. However, an intelligent doctor will say that a low BMI is not yet losing weight, but simply the result of losing muscle mass.

Catastrophic muscular dystrophy is observed, first of all, in vegan, especially in those who do not unnecessarily strain their muscles. If the body understands that you can do without muscles, he will calmly compensate for the lack of meat by eating his own muscle tissue.

Switch to vegetarianism

However, if your choice is a fruit of ethical or religious considerations, in order to minimize the harm of vegetarianism, you need to switch to it gradually, in three weeks.

First - give up meat semi-finished products. Next - go to fish and chicken. Do not refuse immediately from meat, and from dairy products. Take on the arsenal of spices , they will help with the fresh taste of food, which you will be inclined to return to the meat.

And at first, you just need to change the proportion of vegetable garnish and meat, in favor of the first.