Greenery on the windowsill - simple secrets of growing

From plants grown at home, you can get not only aesthetic pleasure, but also a practical benefit. Greenery on the windowsill is easy to place in the kitchen and cut fresh shoots straight to the table. It is unpretentious, so even how children can watch how it grows.

Secrets of growing green on a windowsill

Mini-garden on the window with their own hands to equip a little more difficult than to care for the simplest kinds of indoor plants. To know how to grow greens on a windowsill, you need some general knowledge on vegetable growing at home:

  1. Most plant species grow better if they are soaked before planting in a substrate. The composition of the liquid can be different - warm water, manganese acid solution or a mixture based on wine vinegar.
  2. If the greenery on the windowsill grows poorly, it is covered with a film to maintain the permissible temperature and humidity.

How to plant greens on the windowsill?

Picking up a range of promising seeds, gardeners begin to prepare them. Seeds are moved or dropped into the water. Growth will give those of them that remain at the bottom, rather than float to the surface. Decide how to plant greens on the windowsill, step-by-step guide will help:

  1. The soil is compacted into pots or boxes, but not to a dense earthy coma.
  2. Its upper layer is loosened with a fork or wooden stick.
  3. Immediately after planting, the seeds are watered and placed under the sun's rays for warming up.

Primer for greenery on the windowsill

Soil from a garden or a park is too poor for sprouting food greens, which is meant as a vitaminized product. The primer for greenery on the windowsill should be selected according to the following rules:

  1. Substrate or single-layer soil is harvested in advance to make sure that it will be the right consistency.
  2. If there is no possibility to purchase shop mixes, they are replaced by a composition of chernozem, river sand and earth from under compost.
  3. Before you decompose the soil into pots, it is calcined in an oven for disinfection.

Pots for growing greenery on the windowsill

Greens, which require seeding on seedlings, are sown in small plastic containers and peat pots. The second is preferable, because safe fertilizers are added to the peat, which stabilize root growth during the appearance of the first shoots. Boxes for greenery on the windowsill also have a number of their own advantages:

How often to water the greens on the windowsill?

If the seeds are buried shallowly, they should not be watered often, so as not to blur the roots and not provoke in them the processes of putrefaction and the appearance of mold. During watering under the root, room temperature water is combined with mineral fertilizers. To understand how to grow greens on a windowsill in an apartment with the optimal watering regime, it is worth paying attention to the following possible signs of a lack of moisture:

Fertilizers for greenery on the windowsill

There are plants (for example, basil and spinach) that do not tolerate fertilizing well, as they grow well even in swampy and sandy soils. Fertilizers are useless if the greens are among the fast growing and simply do not have time to absorb useful substances or substrates. Top dressing for greenery on the windowsill is first performed a week after the appearance of the shoots, the second after the picking, and the last top dressing is prescribed after the growth of the root. It is advantageous for it to use:

What kind of greenery can be grown on a windowsill?

In the apartment you can grow almost any green table plants, but sometimes you have to take into account the seasonality and complexity of care for the selected species. When deciding which green to plant on the windowsill, it is important to take into account:

Onions on the window sill

Experiments with germination of plants for salads and seasonings experienced gardeners are advised to start with green onions. His shoots - a kind of green on the windowsill "for beginners." This well-studied agricultural crop produces excellent growth both in water by hydroponics method and in the ground. It does not need high boxes, because the weak root of onions will be enough and low pots, which grow cacti. The only way to get a harvest is to choose a healthy bulb by the following criteria:

Dill on the greenery on the windowsill

Dill - annual, it is impossible to get 2-3 crops from it. In the conditions of a house or an apartment, the cultivation of greenery in an apartment from the seeds of this culture will take from 3 to 5 weeks. When planting from early October to early spring, dill is illuminated with fluorescent lamps. The easiest way is to look after a plant if it grows from March to September. It is useful for him:

Garlic on the green on the windowsill

The garden on the window allows the reception of greenery from garlic, considered spice. Get shoots in three ways: from seeds, denticles and sprouted denticles. When the answer to the question "which green is better to grow on the windowsill?" Assumes the fastest solution, it is recommended to take already sprouted lobules. Such an inoculum requires unpretentious care:

  1. The depth of the container for planting should not be less than 15 cm, then the roots will be able to grow in it without obstacles.
  2. Mineral fertilizing is added to the substrate, without them the growth will be significantly reduced.
  3. Watering is allowed as the soil dries.
  4. Lighting should be provided for 8 hours a day.

Useful green on the windowsill - parsley

Fresh parsley greens are a popular and universal seasoning for first and second courses. Growing greenery on the windowsill in this case is due to the taste qualities of the shop parsley: greenhouse greens have rough leaves and sour taste. In the warm season, boxes with parsley can be installed on the balcony, after having made drainage holes in them. In order for parsley in the apartment to give intensive shoots, early-ripening varieties are selected:

Home green on the windowsill - coriander

All sorts of coriander feel comfortable in a small container, because they do not like transplanting, both in the open and in the closed ground. Long stalks can be cut off time after time, but the optimal regularity of harvesting is 1 time per month. Greenery in the apartment all year round with a fragrant cilantro is easy to get if you grow it from seeds:

  1. In one pot of medium size, without competing with each other, two bushes can grow. Its roots are woody and do not branch - they can not take away the vitality of each other.
  2. Cilantro is sensitive to a lack of oxygen, it needs a pot of clay with a drainage system.
  3. Her seeds are digested for 2-3 cm without ramming and soaking.
  4. Such greens on the windowsill, like coriander, give the first shoots in 2-3 days after sowing.
  5. She needs a lot of watering, in which the earth is constantly wet.

Fresh greenery on the windowsill - salad

A cabbage and semi-baked salad is not suitable for potting, therefore, it is necessary to buy seeds of leaf species. Its succulent large leaves rarely get sick and grow rapidly - the perfect greenery on the windowsill for beginner house gardeners. The color of the leaf and the palatability do not depend on whether they grow on the sunny side of the window or not. Of the varieties suitable are "Lolo Rossa", "Red Crado" and "Odessa". For the stable growth of any of them, it is important to observe certain rules:

  1. Immunity to ultraviolet radiation does not mean resistance to heat. High air temperature leads to the withering of young shoots: until the leaves are opened, the pots should be kept in a cool and ventilated window sill.
  2. Salad gives a very fast harvest, it is relatively unprofitable to grow, as it quickly begins rifling. You can go to the trick: the life of such greenery on the windowsill is prolonged by timely circumcision. After the lush mass begins to strive for arming, it is cut without damaging the root part. So with a bush you can remove another crop.
  3. The juiciness of the leaf depends on the earthen substrate. A mixture of soil and sand in a ratio of 5: 1 - all that is needed for the root system of the salad.
  4. In the cold season to prevent diseases of roots and stems helps disinfection in the form of pickling with a solution of potassium permanganate.