How to increase your appetite?

Excess weight is a painful topic for most women. What tricks we do not go to achieve a harmonious figure. Unfortunately, not everyone is eager to learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle, find time for sports and normalize nutrition. Instead, we often go to extremes, rush to lose weight at the last minute and be sure to urgently. And, of course, we choose the most effective, fast and at the same time tough diet. And then, as in an anecdote: Monday is an apple, Tuesday is carrots, Wednesday is a cucumber, Thursday is a tomato, Friday is an unloading day, and Saturday is a cremation. Of course the situation is exaggerated, but at the same time not far from the truth. Many girls cut their diet so much that their body completely ceases to absorb food. First tears of joy: finally, the appetite decreased, and the number on the scales is less and less, but now it seems to be enough, and the weight continues to fall, and the desired harmony turns into a painful thinness. And then panic, doctors, treatment. To avoid this, just do not terrorize your body! Do not rush to extremes! If you feel that you can not lose weight further, stop the diet immediately and go back to a full-fledged diet. But what if you do not want to eat? Let's analyze how to increase your appetite and avoid health problems.

Foods that increase appetite

On your shelves there are enough ingredients that can help. Let's see what foods increase appetite:

  1. Spices, spices . Pepper, sour or sharp sauces, salt, horseradish, mustard and other additives will make the taste of the dish more interesting, stimulate the production of gastric juice and enhance appetite. Strongly they do not get carried away, the excess of acute irritates the stomach, but a little spicy dishes can not hurt.
  2. Water . Dehydration also leads to loss of appetite, so drink non-carbonated water and tea. Not less than 1.5-2 liters per day.
  3. Dry wine . Have you ever noticed that on holidays when eating food alcohol is eaten much more than usual? Take a note and allow yourself 50-100 grams of dry wine for 15 minutes before eating.

Appetizing herbs

In addition to food, it is worthwhile to take on other non-medical means. We will disassemble, what herbs increase appetite, and you can get them in a pharmacy or simply find it on nature:

  1. The infusion of wormwood is easy to prepare and improves appetite. It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of chopped grass with 1 glass of boiling water and give the drink to steep for about half an hour. Drink the infusion before meals for 15-20 minutes for 1 tablespoon.
  2. No less effect gives fresh yarrow juice, which is also necessary to drink 1 teaspoon before eating. For taste, you can add a little honey.
  3. In spring, do not miss the opportunity to use dandelions. From fresh leaves it is possible to prepare a salad, and the infusion from the rhizome significantly increases appetite and improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. To cook the infusion, pour 2 teaspoons of chopped root with one glass of cold water and leave it for 8 hours. Drink on a quarter of a glass 4 times a day.

Drugs that increase appetite

If there are not enough home-made products and herbs, you can add medical products that increase appetite. They are often used by athletes, bodybuilders, as they have to supply the body with a huge amount of protein and, accordingly, there is more than usual. Such means include: Pernexin elixir, Peritol, Insulin and others. However, do not forget that these are medications, and they have side effects. Therefore, before use, consult a doctor.

Note: we disassembled how to increase the appetite of an adult, for children these methods naturally do not fit. Children under 12 years of age require a completely different approach.