Cyst of the yellow ovary body - causes, symptoms, treatment

Among a large number of gynecological diseases, the cyst of the yellow ovary body has a special place. Refers to the functional, can arise repeatedly and self-liquidate. Consider it in more detail, establishing the causes, signs and characteristics of treatment.

What does "yellow body cyst" mean?

The formation of this type is formed from the gland tissue. This is a special, temporary organ - in every menstrual cycle a woman is formed again, instead of a burst follicle. After the ovulation of the egg, its walls begin to actively divide, then fill with lutein - a substance whose color gave the name of the organ. The function of anatomical education is the synthesis of progesterone, which supports pregnancy in the case of conception. If this does not happen, a scar is formed in its place.

When this anatomical structure does not regress, a cavity filled with a liquid is formed. Over time, increases in size. The rate of its growth is not high. The maximum size of the cyst of the yellow body is 8 cm. Symptom is often absent. Because of this, not all women know about the presence of a disease. Can self-liquidate for 2-3 cycles. It is often noted on the left side due to the peculiarities of the topography of the gland.

Yellow body cyst - reasons

In order to determine why a yellow body cyst is formed in a separate case, a comprehensive examination is performed. Among the frequent causes that provoke the disease, doctors identify:

Often, the cyst of the ovarian's yellow body is formed only in one gland. Often identified with the development of multiple pregnancies. Such neoplasms never take on a malignant character. A woman, constantly observed by a doctor, following the prescriptions and directions of doctors, gets rid of the disease for 3 months. Relapse is possible, therefore periodic inspection is necessary.

Yellow body cyst - symptoms

To timely establish a disease such as a cyst of a yellow body, signs of its formation should be known to every girl. Among them are:

There are no specific symptoms of the cyst of the yellow body of the ovary. Because of this, it is difficult to identify it. Sometimes a girl may not know about his presence in the reproductive system. If the signs described above do not disappear for a long time, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist, be examined and receive the prescribed treatment. With the help of ultrasound the tumor is quickly detected.

Yellow body cyst - treatment

Before treating the cyst of the yellow body of the ovary, the woman is sent for a thorough examination. It is difficult to externally identify from tumoral formations. The only distinguishing factor is the complete absence of blood vessels in it. This is determined using an ultrasound machine, which has a high resolution, detailing the organ under examination.

When a cyst of the ovary's yellow body is found, the doctors take a wait-and-see tactic. If for 2-3 cycles it did not disappear, the condition of a woman worsened, a therapeutic treatment is prescribed, which includes:

Cyst of the yellow body of the ovary - treatment with folk remedies

With such a disease, therapy with folk methods is allowed. But it is always necessary to consult with medical personnel. Cyst of the yellow ovary body, the treatment of which can be carried out and outpatient, requires constant monitoring. Among the effective recipes that can be used for therapy, it is necessary to note:

  1. Water infusion of dandelion root. Can use dried or fresh. Grind with a coffee mill. 1 teaspoon of powder pour 200 ml of steep boiling water, insist, wait a quarter of an hour. Strain, take a third cup, 2 times a day. The course lasts 5 days, beginning with the onset of menstruation.
  2. 3 curative decoctions from the borage uterus, zymolyubki, red brushes. For cooking, take 1 teaspoon of herbs, add 200 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, filter. Accepted according to the scheme, starting after the end of menstruation:

How does the yellow body cyst resolve?

When a disease is detected, gynecologists are slow to begin the therapeutic process, as it is often eliminated on their own. Answering the question of the girls about what this phenomenon is, the cyst of the yellow body, how long it takes, - the term 2-3 months is called. During this time, a woman visits a doctor, undergoes ultrasound to assess the size and structure of the dynamics.

Yellow body cyst during pregnancy

The phenomenon is frequent in gestation. Cyst of the yellow body of the ovary during pregnancy is formed on the active organ. Normally, after 14-16 weeks from the moment of conception, the reverse development of anatomical formation begins, and its functions are transferred to the placenta. Doctors actively monitor the absence of complications in the form of rupture, torsion of the legs. For this, an ultrasound examination is performed.

Yellow body cyst - is pregnancy possible?

Having learned about the presence of the disease, the first question that the girl asks the gynecologist, concerns whether it is possible to get pregnant with a yellow body cyst. Its presence does not affect ovulation and the process of fertilization. From this it follows that conception is possible. Often, it is detected during the diagnosis of pregnancy, which is an indirect confirmation of the lack of influence on fertilization.

What is dangerous cyst of the yellow body of the ovary?

A great concern for doctors is the possibility of complications. Among them are:

  1. Torsion of the legs. Distinguish between full and partial, at 180 and 360 degrees. It is accompanied by strong compression of nerve endings. Observed symptoms of an acute abdomen: stitching pain in the lower abdomen, there is nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, fever. Develops when reaching a size of 5 cm or more.
  2. Hemorrhage in the gland. It is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the gland tissue. The girl feels strong, dagger pain, the stomach becomes "stone".
  3. Intraperitoneal hemorrhage. It is accompanied by tachycardia, pallor of the skin, lowering of arterial pressure.
  4. The rupture of the cyst of the ovarian's yellow body is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, the bent position of the body is adopted.

Apoplexy of the cyst of the yellow body

Complication is rare, due to the large thickness of the wall. If this happened, and the cyst of the yellow body burst, then the patient notes:

This condition requires hospitalization and emergency medical care. Therapy consists in surgical treatment with laparoscopy. In this case, a thorough examination and washing of the abdominal cavity, the removal of existing blood clots, preventive measures to prevent adhesions. Such a phenomenon in the future can lead to the development of problems with conception.